4. Fun and Games

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Silver was up early as always on Thursday morning and immediately discovered the agonising hunger in her stomach. She crawled out of bed and chomped down her leftovers from last night before making some scrambled eggs to add to that since there hadn't really been much. She also had another glass of milk and two glasses of water to ease the dryness of her throat and help the food stop scraping away at her oesophagus.

She showered happily, being as quick and as quiet as she could in the low pressure stream to lower the risk of waking anyone— though looking at the time, the others were probably still too deep in slumber to hear a thing— and then she put on another set of those comfy black clothes before adding her favourite jacket, the faded silver leather fitting comfortably against her shirt.

It was pretty boring waiting for the rest of the apartment to wake up but it happened eventually and finally, she was standing ready by the door with the two adults as Eri's tutor arrived for the day. The woman nodded to the teenager as they left and Silver finally got the chance to really breathe fresh air deep into her lungs... and then they got into Aizawa's car for a five minute drive they could easily have walked. She really wished they'd walked, it would have been so much nicer, but at least she could open the window and watch the scenery as it flew by.

Yamada opened the door to let her out of the car like a real life gentleman and led her to the teacher's lounge where they parted ways with Aizawa who was heading to his class.

Apparently, Yamada had some time before he had to take a class so he made some coffee, leaving Silver to be bombarded by strange people she'd never met before. They surrounded her, circling sharks, making her wish she had some way to make them leave her alone— one of her guns would have been real nice about now, she should really ask about the stuff they confiscated.

It was all, "Who are you?"

And, "What's a sweet, young thing like you doing here?"

And a hundred other questions she couldn't even make out with all their voices tangling over one another. They were acting like children going after the new kid.

"Shut up!" she burst out.

It was enough to silence them but they were still too close. Heroes could be such idiots, did they have any notion of personal space whatsoever? And of course, Snipe was sat in the corner with a glare, enjoying every moment of her discomfort.

"If everyone stays a minimum of a metre away from me, we will get along just fine, understood?" Silver snapped.

They all stepped back and she released a deep breath.

"My name is Silver, your questions are not my problem. Now if you'll excuse me."

They moved to let her through as she pushed past them to get to Yamada, or just anywhere with fewer people.

"You alright there, lil' listener?"

She lifted her gaze to him. "I don't listen to your radio show."

He pouted and she rolled her eyes in response, turning to face the heroes— the majority of which were keeping a watchful gaze on her. First they act like curious kids, then they stare at her like she would actually attack someone (like she'd ever be stupid enough to try that in the dragons' nest) but if they kept looking at her like that, she might actually do it, just to entertain them.

It was almost certain at that point that the teachers were all aware of what she normally spent her time doing or they wouldn't be staring like tourists at a zoo. Though that would make their previous questions even more idiotic.

Turning back to the kitchenette, Silver caught sight of a toaster. "You know," she muttered so only Yamada could hear, "if you feel like making toast, please, allow me to butter it for you."

Silent, Silver and Deadly: EllieWhere stories live. Discover now