24. The Instincts of...

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Hey everyone, just another message asking everyone to stay safe and well as much as possible. Times are hard at the moment and everyone is fighting to get back to normal life.
I hope that wherever you are, you are ok and you have something you can smile at today.
Hope you enjoy the chapter, it's a longun.

As soon as the hero lesson ended, Silver told Aizawa where she and Keenan were going before the pair headed off into the forest area of UA that they'd gone running in that morning. Naturally, waiting for them at the door was Snipe. Silver almost drove her skull into the wall. How did he always know? Well, not always, he missed their morning run earlier today.

Once a basic introduction was made for Keenan, Silver explained where and why they were going before walking, amused at the surprised skip Snipe used to catch up with the two. It was a nice change for Silver not to be feeling Snipe's eyes burning holes in the back of her head, but Keenan was definitely feeling it.

"Is he just going to keep staring at me?" Keenan whispered discreetly, not breaking stride.

He saw Silver nod out of the corner of his eye. "I played a prank on him once and he's been twice as vigilant ever since."

Quiet returned to their walk for a few moments. "Feel like playing another prank?"

Silver smirked. "See the lockers?" The lockers Silver referred to were made of metal and lined one side of some of UA's corridors, as far as she was aware, nobody actually used them, but they were there.

A nod.

"Gap between them and the ceiling?"

Another nod.

"Think you can boost me?"

Keenan smiled, nodding for a third time. "Next corner."

There was silence again as the pair sped up a smidgen to get as much space between them and Snipe to give them the time to do this right.

They turned out of his view. They would only get a few seconds. Silver stepped up onto Keenan's leg, taking one of his hands in hers for balance before sending her next leg to his shoulder and jumping up on top of the lockers, softening the landing with her hands and feet so as not to make a sound. Keenan kept walking; Silver became a statue.

Snipe turned the corner and froze. Silver watched as he counted how many people were in front of him and realised the number was definitely one less than it had been a moment ago. He took a few steps forward and waited for her to suddenly appear like she had done last time.

"Where's Silver?" he spoke up when she didn't reveal herself.

Keenan turned around and frowned innocently, pointing behind the pro hero.

Silver rolled her eyes, pushing against the wall and leaping down directly behind Snipe, tapping him just as a dull thud from her landing sounded out.

The man whirled and almost shrieked at the sight of her. "You alright there, Old Man?"

She was certain he was glaring at her from under his mask. She smiled back anyway and skipped over to Keenan, she lifted a hand up for a high five and sighed when he stared blankly at her palm. Snipe almost choked when he realised Silver was explaining in excruciating detail what a high five was.

It wasn't long before they were walking out into what was a sadly overcast day, far from the cloudless sun of the morning. The three of them hurried to the forest and got there quickly, Keenan deciding to ask for a more detailed plan.

"Snipe, keep an eye on Keenan, I've got to go get some stuff."

The small girl was in the trees and out of view before Snipe could even protest. Keenan twiddled his thumbs, trying not to stare at the pro. Keenan chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "So, lovely weather we're having."

Silent, Silver and Deadly: EllieWhere stories live. Discover now