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I woke up at 6 in the morning to the sound of my alarm. It's Wednesday now. I dont have to work again until Sunday. I looked to my right to see Eden sleeping. Cuddled up to the blanket. I kissed her head.

I got out of bed and took a shower. After my shower I put on my white crop top, light acid washed high waisted blue jeans, and my white converse. I straightened my hair and put on my makeup.

My makeup consisted of foundation, blush, highlight, mascara, and lip gloss. I then walked to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Today's breakfast will be oatmeal. I put the oats and water in the pot on the stove and started making it.

While that was cooking I started on the little kids lunches. All of the kids are picky so I have to make a certain lunch for each of them. Landon liked ham and cheese sandwich, no mayonnaise. Eden liked extra mayonnaise no cheese. She says it dont taste good on sandwiches. Ryan likes bologna with no cheese or mayonnaise. And Bailey and Aiden likes peanut butter and banana.

I made their sandwiches and finished making the oatmeal. I put the oatmeal in bowls and placed them on the counter along with grape juice.

After that i finished their lunches. Apple slices, red doritos, and a little debbie brownie and apple juice in each of their lunches. I placed their lunchboxes on the counter and started eating.

Pretty soon everybody was in the kitchen enjoying breakfast. "Ok so. Kat you are taking Aiden today and Bell is riding with me." Brayden stated. "Yup. And I will pick him up then come home and watch the kids." I said as i picked up empty styrofoam bowls and threw them away along with the plastic spoons. It's a lot easier than using real things and washing them every time.

"Ok Aiden. Let's go." I said as u grabbed his backpack and lunchbox for him. The other kids were waiting for the bus. I placed Aiden in his car seat and buckled him. I then went to the driver's seat.

I dropped him off at the day care then drove to school. I grabbed my things from my locker but then bumped into somebody as I turned around. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry." I said. I then looked up and saw that it was only Jake. "Its fine Kat. But can I talk to you about something?" He asked seriously. "Sure." I said as he pulled me into a classroom.

We both sat on the big teacher desk. "Do I look familiar to you?" He asked. Now that I think about it he really looks familiar. Like I've known him forever. "Yeah. You do." I answered.

"Ok. If I tell you this do you promise not to tell Bella?" He asked nervously. "Yeah." I said. "Ok. My full name is Jakob Adam Matthews. Or as yall used to call me, Jakey." he said. He was shaking.

Then it hit me. Oh. My. God. "Oh my God Jake. It-its you." I said and tears started to form. Me, Bray, and Bell met  Jake in kindergarten. We all four sat at the same table. We would all always talk and get in trouble. And he was basically Bell's first boyfriend.

We all four did everything together. And when me and Bell would get picked on by Britney, Jake would yell at her. Everything changed though in 2nd grade. We went to school one day and Jake was gone. We haven't heard from him since. "Yeah. It's me kitty." He laughed and hugged me. "I can't believe you still remember that." I giggled.

We pulled away. "Of course I remember it. You were kitty, Bray was meanie, I was Jakey, and Bell was Sunshine. Well my sunshine." He chuckled. "So when are we telling the others?" I asked. "Well I want to tell sunshine last. Maybe in a couple weeks so she can get comfortable with me again. But I want to tell Bray soon." He said.

"Ok. Well I'll distract bell during lunch and you can tell Bray then." I suggested. "Thanks Kitty." He said and chuckled. "I swear. I dont know If it's good or bad that your back." I giggled.

We soon left the classroom and the bell rang. I made my way to math.

The day went by and soon it was 3rd period English. I didn't pay attention. I just sat there thinking.

I can't believe he is back. He was like a big brother to me. I have so many questions for him. Like why did he leave? Why did he suddenly come back?

"Kat." I heard somebody say. "Yeah?" I asked. "You looked like you were in deep thought. What were you thinking about?" Bell asked. "Oh ya know just...stuff." I answered with an unsure smile. "Yeah ok." She rolled her eyes and looked back to the teacher again.

I then finally started paying attention. A couple hours later it was finally time for lunch. I saw Bell walking to the lunch room by herself so I went over to her and started the distraction.

"Bell come with me." I said as I pulled her to the parking lot. "Kat I'm hungry let me eat." Bell almost screamed. "Get in the car. We're getting zaxbys then going to eat with the little kids at their school." I said. "Oh ok then." She threw her bag in the SUV.

We got a lot of food and then went to the middle school. We dropped of Andy and Eli's food and then we went to the elementary intermediate school and ate lunch with the other kids.

I ate with Landon and Eden while Bell ate with Ryan and Bailey. All their little friends were jealous and it was sad. So I gave all the kids each a fry. I might have a soft spot for kids...

After we finished lunch we went back to the highschool. "Thanks for letting me come with you to eat with the kids. I'm glad we spent time together. We never get too anymore." Bell said and frowned. "I know. I love you cuz." I said and hugged her. "Love you too." We were about to pull away when we were engulfed by large arms.

I look up to see Bray and Jake. "Can't breath yall." We heard bell say. It was more like a mumble. We all laughed and separated. "Where were yall?" Jake asked. He was playing along acting like he doesnt know anything.

"We ate lunch with the kids at their school." Bell said. "Oh ok. Let's get to p.e sunshine." Jake said. "Dont call me that." Bell said and started walking away with Jake.

"Do you think she will find out soon?" Bray asked. "I hope so." I said. We both walked to our classes.

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