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Today is Thursday, Thanksgiving. But it's also black Friday. The worst day of the year in my opinion. My parents used to make me go with them every year before they died. I hate it.

It's now 8 a.m. I have to be at everybody's house at 5:30 p.m. I'm extremely tired so I went back to sleep.

I woke up again at 4:30 p.m. I took a quick shower and threw on my blue Jean's, a white t-shirt, my Jean jacket with sleeves and a hood that's like sweatshirt material. I put on my grey beanie and my things and left.

I got to the house and walked in. "Hey west." Eden said as she was going outside. "Hey Ed. Where you you going?" I asked. "To check the mail." She said. "Ok."

I walked into the kitchen and saw Kat. She was beautiful. She was wearing black leggings with grey ankle boots, a grey sweater and grey beanie. Her hair was curled perfectly and she had on no makeup. Absolutely stunning.

She was cooking something. "Need any help Kat?" I asked. "Yeah. Can you get the Turkey out of the oven. Jake just went to shower. "Sure." I got the Turkey out and put it on the counter.

"You look beautiful Kat." I said. "Thank you. You Look good too." She blushed. "Thanks. Um I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime. Like on a date?" I asked and scratched the back of my neck.

"Um yeah. I've been waiting for you to ask for a while." She blushed. "You're so adorable. I just wanted to wait a while so we could get to know eachother." I smiled. She smiled back.

"Awwwe this is so cute." We heard Bella say. We turned towards her and she took a picture of us. "That's going in yalls wedding book." She giggled.

I went outside and watched the kids play football. I wish I had this as a kid. A big family. But it was mainly just me. That's why I want a lot of kids. Like 5.

The youngest has to be a girl though and the other 4 has to be boys so they can protect her.

"DINNER IS READY." Jake yelled. We all went inside. We sat at the table after all our plates were made.

"Who wants to say grace?" Kat asked. "I will." I said. I said grace and we all began to eat.

We had a nice and peaceful dinner full of laughing and smiling. At this moment is when I found out that this is right where I'm supposed to be.

After dinner I got a cooler ready for me, Brayden, Eli, and Andy. It had water, advil just in case our legs hurt, monster, and red bull.

We left soon after and went shopping.

We are now at waffle house eating food. Its 2 in the morning and we have 2 stores left. Toys r us and ulta.

"Yall I'm tired." Elijah said while drinking the rest of his monster. "Me too." The rest of us said in unison.

Just then this slutty bitch comes walking up to us with her ugly ass boyfriend.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"she asked. I looked at Brayden. "Who the hell is this bitch?" "That's britney. Or as we all call her, barbie the bitch." He chuckled.

"What do you want barbie." Brayden asked calmly. "Where is Jake and that slutty bitch of his?" She asked. I stood up. "Who? Bella." I asked. "Yeah that bitch."

"For one she is not a slut or a bitch and for two what the fuck do you want?" I asked rudely. This bitch is pissing me off.

"Just wanted to say hey to my future husband and his whore." My eyes went wide. "Isnt that your boyfriend?" Elijah stood up and asked. "Nope. Just my play mate. And you need to sit down you're like 5." She started laughing.

"Damn. I'm only 14 and I already know respect better than you. You have zero respect. You can't talk about somebody in front of her family. That's wrong. Now I think you need to stop being as fake as your ass and walk away." Elijah said.

I taught him well. "Who the hell talks to a lady like that?" Barbie asked. "I dont talk to ladies like that. You're not a real lady because you are FAKE. And dont disrespect my family bitch." And with that Eli walked away.

Well he tried to until the guy barbie was with tried choking Eli. I pulled the guy off. Brayden punched the guy in the face and stomach and Andrew jumped on top of the guy and punched him over and over again.

Like he tore the guys face up. I'm proud. Brayden took Elijah to the car while I pulled Andrew off the guy. I kicked the guy in the balls.

"That's pathetic of you. First you choke a 14 year old. Somebody way smaller than you then you get beat up by a 13 year old. That funny." I spat.

I out my arm around Andrew and we walked out after I left money on our table for the workers.

We got in the truck. "Hey Eli you Ok bud?" I asked. "Yeah. Thank yall for helping me." He said. "That's what family's for" Brayden said.

"Oh no." Elijah said and went pale. "What is it bud?" I asked. "What are we going to tell Bell? I dont want her to know it was Britney's pimp that did this. Then she will get in trouble at school for fighting Britney." Eli explained.

"Its ok. We will tell her that you got in a fight with a random kid over a tv." I laughed. "Ok." Everybody else laughed too.

We decided to call it a night.

When we got back to the house Bell was still up waiting. When she saw Elijah her eyes widened. "Eli what happened?" She ran up and hugged him. "I got in a fight with a kid over a TV. He choked me so Andrew beat the hell out of him." He lied.

"Watch your language and are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm fine Bell. Dont worry about me." He hugged her.

"I'll always worry. Now everybody go to bed." She said and walked to her bedroom.

"Man. What a night." Brayden said. "Tell me about it." The rest of us spoke in unision.

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