Chapter 24

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Angel POV

I opened my eyes slowly. It was so peaceful. The comfort of Dean arms around me. I wanted to be like this forever. I looked at Dean sleeping. He looked so cute. "Is there something on my face?" He chuckled with his eyes still closed.

I giggled "No you just look cute" he opened his eyes and looked at me. "And you're beautiful Angel" he kissed me and got out of bed. "Nice butt" I laughed.

"It's all yours" he put his boxers on. "Can you pass me a top off yours?" I pouted. He threw me his own unstable top. It drops pass my hips. "You look cute in it" I blushed. "Shush" He hugged me from behind his breath breathing down my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"Am I making you nervous?" He smirked. "N-No" "You shouldn't be" he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes. I feel like the luckiest girl marrying him. "I think you should talk to Martha" I turned around "I don't want to. "Angel she's your sister" "I don't care not after what she did"

There was a knock on the door. Dean went to open it. I sat down on the couch. It was only Seth and Roman. They looked at me. "What?" "You guys did it last night didn't you?" Roman raised a eyebrow.

I blushed. "We know that because 1. You only have Dean top on and he's in his boxers and 2. You're blushing." Seth said.

"Shut up" I threw a pillow at them. Dean sat beside me pulling me on to his lap. My top went up a bit so my ass is on his..

"What brings you guys here?" I asked. "Well we wanted to see how you were and Seth is still in shock" Roman smirked. "Shut up" he coldly said. Roman and Seth were arguing. "Dean I can feel it poking my ass" I whispered.

He chuckled "I can't help it. "Wanna go for Round 2?" "Let's do it" we both got up and pushed them both out our hotel room with them still arguing.


Me and Dean walked in the arena holding hands "I have a match against Aksana." "Want me out there?" "I would love that" I smiled.

I wore jean shorts with Dean unstable top formed into a crop top and black converse. "Ready babe?" "Yes" we walked to the entrance. I stopped for a second holding my head.

"You okay?" Dean asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine it was nothing" Dean had a serious look on his face. "Angel?" My music hit. I walked out

The crowd was going wild.




During the match I felt light headed. Aksana pushed me out the ring My vision was going blurry Dean was by my side. All I remember is the bell ringing and announced that I won the match. Then everything went black.

I woke up in the medic room. "Angel?" My vision cleared up and Martha was standing there, I looked on the TV and saw a replay. The Ref was distracted, Martha ran out dressed like me and she won the match.

"I know you hate me but I was so worried" she hugged me. I cried on her shoulder. Dean barged in Angel you're awake thank god, Do you feel alright?" "I'm fine." Martha can sense I wasn't. It's a Twin thing. "Can I talk to her alone Dean?" He nodded and walked out closing the door.

"Ok I'm not stupid what's wrong?" "I don't know I feel weak, I got headaches and I feel like I wanna be sick" "Why did you say you were fine?" "I didn't want to worry him"

She sat beside me. "Look Angel I'm sorry I did all that to you I didnt know what I was thinking at the time" "Why did you come back?" "I saw how both of you are doing so great without me I thought maybe we can be a family again"

I looked at her. "I do miss having my sister around" I hugged her tightly. "I missed you Angelica" "I missed you too Martha" Bryan walked in. "Good to see you guys have made up" We smiled and jumped on him falling on the floor. "The Three Musketeers are back" Martha shouted. "Shut up" I laughed.

We are gonna be the most dominated stable on the roster. Team Danielson.


Angel and Martha have made up

The journey of the Danielson Twins begin

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