- chapter one -

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Note: English is written in Bold Italics and Korean is written in normal writing.


"Who even has my address?" I muttered as I walked to the door. I opened the door and saw a good looking man who seems to be around my age... I've never seen him in school, so why is he here? Why am I even thinking that someone from school would show up? I don't have friends there...

"Y/N, right?" He asked, his voice was very deep, it really didn't match his face, and honestly it stunned me. I nodded slowly and he showed a friendly smile.

"G'day mate" He said with a wide smile and strong Australian accent. I suddenly felt at ease and at home and smiled too.

"Oh! Hi Felix... I didn't realise it was you!" I said nervously and let out a small laugh afterward. He clearly picked up on my nervousness and playfully ruffled my hair.

"No need to be nervous! I was given your number and address by JYP, I promise I'm not a stalker. I'm here so we can get to know each other and help you out with Korean" He said, I nodded and tried to relax as I toured him around my apartment.

Time flew as we were talking, and eventually towards the end of the day I became really comfortable talking with him. We ordered pizza to the apartment and after a long, long time he had to leave for training and to get some rest.

I decided to complete my assignments and make a hot chocolate before going to bed.

Felix's POV

I got to the practice room half an hour late, so all of Stray Kids stared at me because I am usually there on time.

"Where were you?" Bang Chan asked me, he sounded quite mad but I was only doing what I was told.

"Meeting with the new trainee? You guys knew about this" I said and all of their mouths formed an 'O' shape.

"Sorry Felix, we all forgot" Changbin said and I sighed.

"Let's forget about it and start practising" I said and they nodded.

"Wait!" Jeongin shouted which made all of our heads snap his way, "What was she like?" He asked.

"The trainee is a she?!" Jisung shrieked and everyone laughed.

"Yes her name is Kim Y/N, but before you ask none of you are allowed to meet her... JYP's orders" I said and they all sighed.

"Is she pretty?" Minho asked.

"Guys calm down with all these questions. To answer your question Minho, yes she is" I sighed and they nodded.

"Okay let's practice" Seungmin said and we all got ready to practice.

A couple weeks later


I got up early to make a small breakfast and lunch and practice for a while before going to school. I walked to school so I got in more exercise, and the moment I got into the school I was cornered by some lockers.

"What are you doing here Aussie? Go back home" Some random guy said to me as he got in my face. I backed up and he stepped forward, so I just looked down, avoiding eye contact. I looked up after a moment and he had walked away, and a couple people standing a few meters away just looked at me and laughed, then started whispering between them but loud enough that I could hear them making fun of me. Then some girls walking in the hallway started making comments.

"Wouldn't it just be better if you dropped out?"

"Lose some weight, then maybe someone would like you enough to be your friend"

The girls continued walking past, giggling between themselves, and I started to cry. I was weak and tried to lose as much weight as I could every day.

My whole day continued like that, and as school ended I recieved a text from Felix.

Felix: I am outside to walk you back to your apartment!

Me: Thank you so much :)

Felix: No problem, any time Y/N!

I walked out and saw Felix quite a distance away, he had a black mask covering his face and a bucket hat on. He waved at me and people from the school were immediately judging me, probably wondering where I found a friend. I quickly smiled at him before putting my head down and looking at my phone.

"She has a friend?! Shocking"

Here we go again...

"She doesn't deserve to be in this school, let alone friends..."

"Y/N needs to leave this school before we make her leave"

When I was about half way to Felix, another random person in my year came up to me and pulled my shoulder so I faced him.

"Get rid of your friends, you don't deserve them. Go back to Australia where you came from, you're better off there" He said, I sighed and turned around but he tugged on my hair so I had to turn around.

"What makes you think you're going anywhere?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you wanted me to leave? let me go" I said, trying to get out of his space, but he didn't let me.

"I don't think I've said everything I wanted to say" He said and I wanted to roll my eyes, but if I did, I knew I'd make it worse.

"Just leave me alone, save yourself from my presence if I am that much of a disgrace" I said and he laughed.

"I guess you're right" He said with that same horrid smirk, "Get out of here!"

A bunch of the girls overheard everything, and of course they all love him. So as I walked out, all I heard was more insults.

"She disgusts me! Who does she think she is talking to him like that?"

"She doesn't have the right to talk to him"

"She deserves nothing"

"If it's possible for her to be more of an outcast, she just made it happen"

"No one should disrespect my boyfriend!" I heard as I felt a slap to the face.

"He was rude to me first" I said lowly, honestly I was defeated. I tried to gently push her out of my way before running towards Felix. Unfortunately, my stupidity meant that I forgot to look for cars, all because I just wanted to escape that damn school.

I was knocked over by a car that was parking up outside the gates, so luckily I was okay because that could have been a lot worse. I stood up after a moment and apologised to the driver.

"What the fuck happens to you in school Y/N?"  Felix asked me, coming across the road to check if I was okay. His eyes looked horrified and his fists were clenched. I just shook my head in response before I answered him.

"Nothing Felix, let's go" I said quickly and he shook his head.

"They bully you all the time, don't they?" He asked with a sad look in his eyes, I nodded and he brought me in for a hug, I must have started getting a bruise from the car, as his hug made me wince a bit.

"They don't hurt you, do they?" He asked and I shook my head, he sighed in relief.

"For now at least" I tried to joke but he glared at me in response. "I'm just joking I promise" he rolled his eyes and moved on.

"I'll fix this, trust me. Let's get you home and cleaned up, your hands and knees are grazed  and your uniform is dirty" He said and I nodded, before we walked to my apartment in silence.


hope you enjoyed!

- your author :)

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