- chapter six -

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one week later...


I woke up in my apartment and realised that it was 10am. I checked my phone and cleared away even more messages from Hanlim students. I sighed and got myself ready for the day, changing into a grey sweater and jeans (outfit above). I put on white shoes and made sure my hair was tidy.

I was about to make breakfast when I realised that my refrigerator was almost empty. I sighed before grabbing my phone and messaging the newly made group chat, which had me and all of stray kids.

Me: Is anyone free right now? I need to buy groceries but it's boring alone

Felix: Minho, Seungmin, Jeongin and I are all out already, sorry Y/N :(

Me: It's okay!

Jisung: 3racha are creating new music right now so we're super busy right now :(

Hyunjin: I'll come! everyone left me in the dorm alone anyways :)

Me: Thanks Hyunjin :)

I was smiling too much now, I quickly ate the last of the cereal I had in the cupboard whilst making a shopping list. By the time I was done, Hyunjin knocked at my apartment door. I grabbed my things and left with him to buy groceries.

We talked about almost everything whilst walking to the store, we were laughing a lot and having a good time. I'm always so happy when I am around him and I can't be more thankful for that.

Once we arrived, we quickly walked to get a shopping cart. Just before I could get my coin for the shopping carts my phone rang.

"Hyunjin can you get the coin out of my purse and get a shopping cart, my Mom is calling me" I asked and he nodded instantly, I passed him my purse and turned away to take the call.

"Hi Mom"

"Hello Y/N! I missed hearing your voice" She said and I laughed.

"I've missed yours too Mom" I quietly said.

"Why are you so quiet dear? Is something wrong?" She asked, concern clear in her voice.

"Not at all! I'm just at the grocery store so I don't want to talk too loud" I explained and she gasped.

"I'll call you another time then sweetheart! Make sure to get good foods" She said.

"Okay Mom, I'll speak to you soon!" I said and she laughed.

"Bye dear" She said, I could hear her smile through the phone.

The call ended and I went back to Hyunjin who had gotten the shopping cart and was ready to go. He gave me back my purse which I put in my bag, and we went into the store.

"Is your Mom okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, she was just checking up on me" I said and he smiled.

Hyunjin's POV

I couldn't believe I was so excited to go grocery shopping, of all things to be excited for... grocery shopping.

Well, if you're with someone you love almost anything is fun...

"Hyunjin can you get the coin out of my purse and get a shopping cart, my Mom is calling me" She asked me sweetly, I agreed and watched her turn away to have her phone call with privacy.

I opened her purse and was immediately confused.

Why does she have my Mom's business card?

I shrugged it off, maybe she just found it on the floor, or maybe she just needs some help? That would make sense... She probably has no idea that she's my Mom... Should I ask her? No, It's probably too personal... maybe I'll ask my Mom later, see if she knows anything.

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