- chapter four -

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A few days later...


I woke up from my alarm that I decided to set for early this morning. I groaned and turned it off before checking my phone.

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:
Foreigners don't deserve to be here

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:
Leave the school, no one will miss you

Unknown Number:
Lose weight and then you might be more attractive

183 other messages from Unknown Number

I teared up and started to cry whilst reading all of the messages from these unknown numbers. My small tears turned into sobs by the end of all of these messages. I sat in my bed not wanting to move or see anyone. I knew that today Felix would be picking me up and walking me to JYP so I can hang out with Stray Kids whilst they train. I didn't want anyone to see me though. Before I had a chance to cancel, I heard a knock at my door.

I knew it was Felix from the pattern of the knock, so I quickly messaged him.

Me: I woke up late so I'm still not ready to go out yet, there's a spare key if you feel above the door, let yourself in but let me get ready in peace :)

Felix: Of course! A couple of the others also came with me, hope that's okay! :)

I wondered who came with him... Instead of asking I got myself ready to save time. I would see them eventually so I dismissed my curiosity.

I changed into a white jumper and denim shorts (Outfit above). I packed my things, decided to go barefaced because I didn't want to waste their practice time and went to find Felix and whoever came along.

Turns out the people who came along were Jeongin and Hyunjin.

I smiled when I saw them and all three of them smiled back, they all had really different looks.

Felix was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, Jeongin was wearing a really comfortable looking blue sweater and white pants. Hyunjin, however was wearing a red and black button up shirt and trousers. His outfit looked really nice and it complimented him well.

"You look really cute!" Felix said in a cute voice, running over and squishing my cheeks. I batted him away lightly and laughed.

"You guys all look good, let's go" I said and they all nodded. I locked up my place and Felix put the spare key back where it was. We were all talking on our way to JYP. Felix and I walked in front of Jeongin and Hyunjin because the sidewalk isn't wide enough for all of us to stand together.

Whilst we were walking, a person walking the opposite way to us walked into me and knocked me backwards with their big bag. I couldn't gain my balance so I accepted that my clumsy self was going to fall and hit the ground and closed my eyes tight. After a few seconds I realised I hadn't hit the ground, so I opened my eyes and looked up.

I saw that Hyunjin had caught me and had a small smile on his face. I smiled too and stood up quickly.

"Thanks for catching me, I should look where I'm going" I said nervously and he shook his head.

"It's not a problem honestly, and it was him who should have been watching where he was going, not you" He said to reassure me and it worked. I nodded and he smiled again which caused me to smile.

"Okayy now Hyunjin's saved us a trip to the hospital let's get to practice!" Felix said excitedly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to run with him. Not too long passed before we got to JYP.

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