- chapter two -

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Once we had gotten to my apartment, I told Felix where my first aid kit was and he ran to get it. I sat on the kitchen counter whilst he treated my grazed knees. I thanked him and he told me to change out of my uniform since it was dirty and he would make us hot chocolates. I changed into a large jumper and leggings and came back to Felix who had made the drinks and we sat on the couch whilst drinking them.

"How long have you put up with all this?" He asked and I sighed.

"Honestly... It's been like this for my whole school life. I've never really had friends until I met you. I was bullied for being the only Asian in all of my school life in Australia but then I'm being bullied for being an Australian foreigner in Hanlim" I responded, He hugged me.

"You've always have me Y/N, I'm so sorry that you've suffered so much" He apologised but I shook my head.

"It's not your fault Felix, it's mine" I said quietly and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean it's your fault?"

"I don't know Felix, I feel like an easy target who just needs to lose weight and get prettier. Maybe then none of this would happen" I muttered and he looked really sad.

"You honestly believe that?" He asked and I nodded. "Well trust me, your friend, that you are a very strong girl. You've put up with this for as long as you can remember yet you are still here about to train to become an idol! You're a beautiful person inside and out Y/N, believe me." He said and I nodded with a smile on my face.

"No one besides my parents has ever said such nice things to me"

"What can I say? I'm a really nice person" He boasted and I laughed.

"I'm glad I have you Felix, I don't know what I would have done today" I said and he smiled.

"Me too! It's so nice to make a new friend. Now, can I tell you something very honestly?" He asked and I nodded.

"I don't think you should lose any more weight, I honestly think you will need to eat more so you don't pass out in training." He said, and I smiled weakly.

"Anyways" He started to change the subject "You're not going back to that school." He said bluntly and my eyes widened.

"But I need to go to sch-" I started before he cut me off.

"No you don't! You don't need to be in school, you're a trainee and JYP will surely debut you in a new girl group. Please, for your sake and mine, I don't want to know you are suffering in school, so please... don't go back. If you really want to continue with school, there's always online schooling" He begged and reasoned with me and eventually I nodded in agreement, he smiled giddily and we hugged.

"Thank you so much Felix, for everything" I said quietly and he smiled.

"It's okay Y/N, it's what friends are for" He said and I smiled too.

We sat in silence for a moment, I was glad that I finally had someone I could call a friend and count on when I needed them.

Soon enough, we played some video games together and almost forgot about everything which happened today. When he had to leave, he reassured me and made sure I promised that I wouldn't be going back to school.

The next evening...

Felix's POV

After talking with JYP about Y/N's school life, I asked whether we could change the agreement so Y/N could meet Stray Kids. He surprisingly changed the agreement and hoped that she would become happier with more friends around her. I convinced him because she was already close with me, we are like brother and sister to each other already, and her having more friends would do her a lot of good. As well as this, she can't hide from them forever, and he understood my points well. For him to agree so fast, she has to be super talented. Surely he would be more willing to change the rules for the top trainees in his opinion... I wouldn't be surprised...

I was happy to be able to tell her the news, but when I went to her apartment, there was no answer. I was confused because it was a Saturday, where would she go?

Me: Where are you? Are you not home?

I waited a minute and eventually I got a reply.

Y/N: I was in the bathroom, sorry! I'll be at the door in 2 minutes

I stood patiently and eventually she opened the door, she looked like she had been crying.

"What's wrong Y/N?" I asked her and she sighed before motioning for me to come in. We both sat down on the couch before she told me why she was crying.

"Someone in my school somehow got my phone number and must have given it to the whole school, all day my phone has been blowing up with messages and..." She started crying again before she could finish talking, I hugged her and she continued to cry. Once she had stopped crying, we broke our hug. I quickly snatched her phone and turned it off, just so the buzzing would stop for now.

"It's okay, I'll help you with that later" I said and she nodded. "Anyways, I have some good news for you"

"What is it?" She asked, sitting up and looking curious.

"I spoke with JYP about you meeting the rest of Stray Kids, and he agreed! He understands your situation and wants you to be happy under his company" I announced and she smiled with happiness and excitement.

"Are you sure they are going to like me?" She asked and I nodded.

"Don't be silly! Of course they will! One of them is another Aussie if you didn't already know" I said and she shook her head.

"If I am honest, I only know you from Stray Kids because I didn't know anyone under JYP. I auditioned without any knowledge of the company, I wished to be accepted by BigHit, but I was so desperate to become a trainee and debut I went for anything I could find"

"Well I'm glad you auditioned everywhere! You can meet them tomorrow, I'll tell you when to come to JYP, but once you're there text me and I will come and get you so you don't get lost finding the practice room" I said and she nodded. "Speaking of practice I need to go there now, block all of those numbers Y/N, those people mean nothing to you, okay?" She nodded again, turned her phone on, and began to block the numbers. Once she seemed settled, I said goodbye and left.

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