- chapter three -

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The next morning...


Today I am going to meet the rest of Stray Kids. Even though I have no idea who they all are, I was still really nervous. These people have heard of me but I have never heard of them or seen them before. I made sure I looked nice today, I wore black jeans and a black crop top, and put on a grey cardigan (Outfit above). I gathered my things and put them in my black backpack, and then put my black shoes on before I left my apartment to walk to JYP.

Me: I'm almost there!

Felix: Okay! meet you in the lobby, they're excited to meet you :)

Me: Yayyy I'm glad :)

I put my phone away and soon enough I was at JYP Entertainment. Felix saw me and waved, I was allowed in and we hugged quickly.

"I like your outfit!" He commented and I thanked him. "Okay let's go!" He said before running towards some stairs.

The further we walked, the more nervous I got. What if they don't like me? What if they send me home? I knew it was just anxiety talking, but I couldn't shake the thoughts.

Before I knew it we were at the practice room door.

"Remember everything I've said to you before, and be yourself, okay?" I nodded to what he said and he opened the door.

We both walked in and immediately the eyes of seven unknown boys were on me. They all smiled and waved welcomingly and I smiled back.

"Hi Y/N! We're all so happy we could meet you, I'm Bang Chan" Bang Chan introduced himself, I smiled and nodded. "Come on guys introduce yourselves!" Bang Chan shouted and one by one they all introduced themselves.

"Hello! I'm Seungmin" He said with a cute little wave.

"I'm the maknae Jeongin" He said with a big smile and a big wave with both hands, he's very adorable.

"I'm Jisung" He said jumping up and running over to hug me.

"My name's Changbin" The fairly short one said... well, I'm not one to talk, I'm really short.

"Hi Y/N I'm Minho nice to meet you!" Minho said with a smile, I smiled back and eventually everyone turned to look at one last guy.

Honestly, he looks breathtaking.

We made eye contact for a few seconds before he broke it. No one realised because they were too busy looking at him.

"Oh! Uh... Sorry" He said scratching the back of his neck. "My name is Hyunjin" He said and smiled such a beautiful smile... what am I saying? I've only just found out his name...

"And lastly I am Felix" He said with a cheeky smile and pointed to himself. I slapped his arm and everyone laughed whilst he rubbed it.

"I knew that stupid" I said and everyone laughed.

"Now Y/N tell us the truth, are you two together or what?" Jisung asked and everyone's eyes were on me.

"No! Felix is like a brother to me and I'm like a sister to him" I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. Suddenly Bang Chan cheered whilst Jisung smiled, I looked at them with a confused expression.

"They made a bet, Bang Chan believed that you aren't together, Jisung did" Seungmin sighed and so did I.

"You owe me 5000₩!" Bang Chan shouted and Jisung looked down in defeat, everyone laughed at the scene in front of them.

"Anyways, we still need to practice today!" Bang Chan said and everyone stood up.

"Y/N you'll watch us practice right?" Seungmin asked and I nodded.

"Of course! I'd love to" I said and they smiled before starting to practice.

They were practicing the choreographies for their songs I Am You and Get Cool, and moved onto Awkward Silence and My Pace. I took out a notepad and pen and began writing lyric ideas down, but any time I looked up my eyes drifted to Hyunjin. I mean, he's an exceptional dancer... Surely that's all it is...

Eventually I put my earphones in and put my notepad away. I watched as Minho was helping Changbin and Bang Chan with one part of the choreography and Jisung was chasing Jeongin around the practice room. I watched as Hyunjin was on his phone, he ran his hand through his hair before putting his phone down and joining them all.

That was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

Hyunjin's POV

When we took our break, I quickly noticed Y/N was asleep and told everyone to be quiet. Her music was very loud from her earphones, and we could hear it was Monsta X's music. Felix told us that she loves BTS and Monsta X's music. God I hope I can get to know her as well as Felix does...

"Hyunjin can you wake her up? I'm sure she'd want to spend time with us and you're the closest to her" Felix added, I hesitated but agreed to do it. I lightly shook her and her beautiful eyes fluttered open.

"What is it?" She asked sleepily, a smile grew on my face before I replied.

"We're taking a break, we want you to join us" I said softly and she nodded. I sat back down where I was and she went to sit next to Felix.

We sat on the floor talking for ages, and just before it got dark we decided to go back to our dorms and Y/N would go to her apartment. Felix decided to walk her because it would be dark on the way back. I wonder if I'll ever walk her home...

Why am I thinking these things? I can't possibly fall for someone in a day... can I?

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