- chapter eight -

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Y/N's Birthday...


I was so excited for my birthday that I got up early and made myself breakfast. I got myself ready for the day and checked my phone.

Felix: Happy Birthday!!! You're spending the day at our dorm! Get here asap :)

Me: Thank you!!! and okay!

I got to their dorm really quickly and Felix let me in.

He led me to the living room where everyone was stood up with presents, party hats and streamers. Balloons were everywhere and I was so shocked at the effort the put in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted, I smiled so much and hugged them all.

"Thank you so much!"

For the next few hours, we played video games like wii sports and mario kart, which got really loud and hilarious. But after a while, Felix gave me his first present; a video call he organised with my parents. We spent a couple hours talking together, and I introduced each member of Stray Kids to them. Eventually they had to go, so we said goodbye to them and I thanked Felix deeply for doing that.

"Present time!" Seungmin shouted and everyone ran and got their presents.

Jeongin wanted to be first, so I let him and he got me all of my favourite chocolates in a basket. I was so happy that he put so much thought into it and thanked him.

Bang Chan ordered me a load of Australian snacks I was missing from home. He did really well on his gift and I said thank you.

Seungmin got me some new shoes which I was constantly talking about around him. I was happy he remembered and tried them on, then thanked him.

Minho got me a new watch, since mine broke quite recently. I could tell it was more expensive than my last one and it was beautiful. I was so grateful for the thought he put in. I made sure to say thank you.

As for Jisung and Changbin, they got me a bunch of shirts and accessories which match my style perfectly. I tried on the earrings and thanked them.

Felix had already organised the decorations, food, drinks and my phone call with my parents. But he wrote me a really meaningful card, and got me a new guitar. I was in love with it and played something simple before thanking him a lot.

Last was Hyunjin, which was kind of scary in a way, I knew whatever he got me I would love so much, and it would probably make me melt.

"Y/N, can I give you this outside?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Of course, I need some fresh air anyway" I answered and he nodded. Felix had a bright smile as we left.

Hyunjin led me to a bridge, the bridge I have stood on many times to think and process all my thoughts. I don't think he knows how significant this bridge is to me, but I pretended nothing was wrong.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something." He said and I suddenly got very nervous. "The woman who you spoke to here is my Mom, I saw the card in your purse and recognised it. She is so happy to know you're happy and healthier now" He said, I was shocked and teared up, he immediately hugged me and comforted me.

"I'm so glad she spoke to me, otherwise I don't know what I would have done" I said and he smiled.

"I wanted to replace some of bad memories you have with this bridge with something much happier, so here is your present" He held it in front of him and I slowly opened it, and I was shocked.

"It's a new phone with a new number, Felix spoke to your parents for me in a way that meant they don't know anything, so don't worry about that. They just think your number has been getting a bunch of spam texts from sales companies." We both laughed in sync at his explanation. "No one from Hanlim will contact you again, and all your contacts are already there for you. The new phone is to replace the bad memories of looking at your old one" He explained, I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't hold my tears back much longer and started to cry. I had a huge smile on my face and thanked Hyunjin multiple times. He smiled and hugged me, letting me cry into his chest. He rubbed my back with his thumb to comfort me until I had stopped crying.

"Thank you so much" I said one last time, pulling away from the hug. Hyunjin wiped away one last tear that fell from my eyes, and he opened the box, took out the phone and put it in my hand.

"I also got you a couple other things, the others don't know about these though" He said and handed me two other presents.

The first present was a new phone case, it has a picture of me and all of Stray Kids on it together. It was one of the best pictures of all of us and it was one of the best days we've all spent together. I immediately put the case on my new phone and thanked him again.

The other present was in a little box, inside it was a locket necklace. I looked inside and there was one of the first pictures Hyunjin and I took together. I smiled looking at it, feeling countless butterflies in my stomach. I looked at him and he was already looking at me smiling.

"Happy birthday Y/N" He said one more time, I thanked him for the millionth time and he laughed before hugging me.

We walked beside each other to a nearby bench on the bridge. We sat together whilst I logged into many apps on my new phone. Once I was done, I set my home screen as a picture of me and Felix and my lock screen as a picture of me and Hyunjin. He smiled seeing my phone, and I smiled because he smiled.

"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to say for a while, but I think this is the right moment" He said seriously, I nodded and was ready to listen to what he had to say.

"I'm listening"

"You've brought me so much happiness over such a short amount of time, and I can't thank you enough for it. You are so unbelievably talented and I can't wait to see you continue to grow and debut. You're so beautiful, no matter whatever anyone else thinks I still believe you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I want to be able to spend more time with you, I want to be able to hold you and call you mine. So Y/N, will you be mine?" He spoke, his face was a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I was so in shock, he likes me too?

"Of course!" I said, I was overjoyed and smiling in the moment, but before I could think he placed his lips on mine and we shared a soft, delicate kiss. We pulled away and smiled in happiness.

"I love you Y/N, I realised that quite some time ago" He said, hold in he loves me?! He doesn't just like me?

"I love you too Hyunjin" I said suddenly, I didn't expect myself to say it so quickly but it just felt so right to say. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers. He stood up, pulling me up with him.

"Let's go home and, tell everyone the news?" He said and I nodded.


i don't think there's going to be many more chapters, maybe only one more to complete the story!

i hope you've been enjoying it! please vote if you have

thank you!

- your author <3

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