sans likes exo yaoi

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Literally immediately after the trial........

Sans was desperate, and sad. For he had lost the trial and lsot komaeda. He needed something, ANYTHING to make him happy. And so he took the polar express to florida, for he had a plan. A real good gucci gang plan.

He needs to let go of the past first, and he burns his old dick in a fire. He pulls the shit leek out his ass, but it doesnt come out completely. It broke inside him, and now it wont come out.

Sans gets a whole new look, and now wears new latex thigh highs, 6 inch heels, then he steals a robotic dick from the power rangers exhibit at the natural history museum.

He meets america at a bar, it is named Skiiini Peiknees. Sans has a plan: to take over florida.

"Wassup bromhoe," america says under the influence of alcohol. "Im wasted like fallout 76. That shit was bad."

they bond over exo yaoi. america goes, "bro u wana go somewhere or,,,,,"

sans licks his nonexistent lips and takes him to his dusty ass penthouse.

Sans eats america's smegma. It is chessy and delicious, sans is hungry. For yum yums. It was so tasty sans put in his eye sockets likea facial. He also mixes it with his pasta, and bakes it in his easy bake oven. 

UNFORTUNATELY they had no condom :( so america flexsealed his PEEPEEE!!!! OMO!! He dunks his peepee into his flexseal can, and He thrusted it into sans and they had a nice time :) sans said it felt really good omo, better than when he had his ball tortured by namjoon then ate namjoon's uncircumcised dick skin.

 But unfortunately, sans gets aids because america didnt apply the flexseal right, and then later, three miles away, in a floridan hospital, two doctors are talking about america's flexsealed cock.

For AMerica had some issues getting it off.They had to peel it off with those potato peelers and america kept bleeding everywhere and there was cum too??????? The frig??? Rn america's dick be like SWISS CHEESE. Theres a lot of holes....omo. There be chunks missing from his benis, and it nqsatie. The cum keeps going in the cock holes. After ameirca comes back from the hospital,,, sans breaks up with him even tho they were never a thing ://// "k bye" sans said and dickhopped to another guy.

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