Just who are you?

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I walked through downtown Tokyo when I saw the building for Gemn Corporation. I walked to there as that's where I work. I went inside and tried to find Anagasaki Reb but no one knew where he was. I found an office that ha the tag say Ren. I knocked on the door and nothing happened for a good 5 seconds.

"Come in!" I heard as I stepped in. I saw Anagasaki Ren in his oddly pink suit with a flower in his pocket.

"And who might you be?" Amagasaki asked me.

"I'm Emiko Hojo, you asked me to come here," I was at first in Japan but I moved to America to finish my internship at Gemn Corporation but then I was asked to come to. Japan.

"Ms. Hojo, I heard that you are a FANTASTIC game developer. So I would like to ask you to help us develop this game further," he said showing me a game poster.

"Toki Meki Crisis?" I asked while reading the poster he showed me.

"No, I'm sorry. Although that is my favorite game," he said changing the poster to face another side that said Kamen Rider Chronicle.

"I don't know if you've heard of this game before but it know for having problems and I heard that tou can do them, right?" Amagasaki said to me.

"Hai, but it'll take time," I said.

"Make it takes as long as you would like," he said as he handed me a flower.

"I'll see your work soon. As your new boss I say I L-O-V-E you," he said getting uncomfortably close.

"Hai, if you excuse me I have to go," I said as he backed away and lead me to te front door.

"Now take care," he said as he walked back inside. I walked throughout the city. I was looking until I came across a rock query filled with these odd brown things, a pink thing and a blue thing. Along with other people. The brown things untransformed and the people started disappearing. What's going on? Then a pink girl appeared and explained that everyone gets one live and there are no continues. She left while the blue guy untransformed and left.

"Parad! This is unforgivable," a guy said. I stepped forward a little to see everything.

"Who are you?" I heard and saw a group of people staring at me.

"I'm a Gemn Corporation employee, Emiko Hojo," I said. As soon as I said Hojo everyone just shot their head directly at me.

"Emiko Hojo?" a guy with white highlights asked.

"Hai, nice to meet you," I said extending my hand.

"Emi, to your presence here I say no thank you," Hirro said.

"Right back at your Hirro," I said looking at them. Hirro was my best friend when we were both in America. Although we barley talked because he was busy with his doctor stuff and I was busy with my gaming stuff. People often mistook us as a couple because when we were together, we looked like a couple. We weren't and we didn't want to. Hirro was still upset about his past girlfriend, Saki, and I didn't see him in that way. It was all like that until he said that my gaming was dumb and annoying but I called his doctor stuff annoying so it was due. We never really talked after then and then I came to the hospital that he worked at only because I was sorry when I found out that he had went back to Japan. I didn't mind of course, I was slightly upset. They guy on the floor was just starting at the floor.

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