How Did You Get That?

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"Goodbye," he said.

"Stop right there Graphite! She's not infected with the Bugster Virus," I heard coming from the other side of the room.

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

"My name is Parad, I believe you are Emu's sister. Am I correct?" he said with a cheeky smile. I nodded to afraid to speak.

"I am Graphite and if I'm not mistaken your human, which means you must be killed," the guy who was about to shoot me said.

"Where am I?" I asked softly.

"A quiet one aren't you?" Parad asked me.

"You could say that," I whispered. Why am I whispering? The fear has already passed me!

"Well, you're in the place you work," Graphite said. After he said that I got confused.

"What? That would mean I'm in Gemn Corporation building," I said at the volume I normally speak at.

"Exactly! You're here to help us with Kamen Rider Chronicle!" I heard from the door.

"Who are you?" I asked. Wait, haven't I seen her before. And the Parad guy, too!

"I'm Poppy Pipopapo! Please to meet you!" she said as she did a little spin.

"Nice to meet you but I must get going," I said standing up.

"You're not going anywhere," Parad said as he stood in front of me. He just stared at me until his eyes began to glow red, then everything went black.

*In CR*

"Intern, I heard you let your sister get kidnapped. Is that correct?" Hirro asked me.

"Yes and no," I said.

"How was it no? You clearly let Parad take her," Nico said as she walked in with Taiga.

"Just what is this Emiko girl?" Taiga asked looking at me.

"Emi? She's human," I said kinda confused, what would let him think she's a bugster or something?

"When she was younger, about 14, she came here. She had a severely rare brain tumor, she was given two weeks to live. Correct?" Taiga said looking at me.

"Yes, however, I don't remember much of the event. I just remember that's when I started getting into games," I said looking at me. I honestly have very little memories of when she was sick.

"Why were you playing games?" Taiga asked me.

"To take my mind off Emi, she told me not to worry about her," I said.

"So, in a way, she made the Genius Gamer M," Hirro said.

"So another reason to beat her up!" Nico said looking at Taiga.

"Maybe," he said. Sometimes I wonder if they like each other.

"Regardless, we have to get her back from Parad," Hirro said.

"Why would he want her though? If you ask me, she's not even that interesting," Nico said as she sat down.

"Well, she kinda is. Sometimes, she can have random personality changes," I said as I looked at Hirro.

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