Get out of the way, Emiko!

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3rd Person's POV

"Why don't you want to lose me?" Emiko asked, not letting go of the embrace. 

"I don't know, the thought just feels, weird," Taiga stated. 

"Mou, Tai-kun, whatever happens, I'll be okay," Emiko said looking at the ground. Taiga was taken back by the words and loosened his grip. Emiko, not wanting to waste time, took this as an opportunity to get out of the hospital.  

Emiko ran a few minutes and came across an empty field that Masamune, Parad,  Emu, and Kiriya. Emiko saw Masamune inject him self with a virus and saw his lips moving, though she could not hear him. Masamune disappeared and Emiko ran up to Emu, Parad, and Kiriya.

"What happened?" Emiko asked.

"Cronus injected Gamedues into himself," Emu explained.

"Huh, that could happen?" Emiko question.

"Seems like it, I don't know how, but I know that we are in big trouble," Kiriya said. 

*The Next Day*

"What are supossed to do?" Nico asked while walking with Emiko and Taiga. However, before anyone could answer, a young mother and a child were sitting on a bench, clearly infected with Game Disease. 

"What?" Emiko quietly questioned to herself.

"I thought they were cured!" Nico exlaimed to Taiga.

"Maybe Cronus' combination with Gamedues did this," Taiga suggested. 

"Good work, Bang Bang Simultions," a deep voice said behind the group. The voice belonged to none other than Masamune. Masamune transformed into an upgraded form of Cronus while Taiga and Emiko transformed into their Rider suits. 

Taiga and Emiko fought Cronus as best as they could with Emu and Hirro joining them later. Cronus sent a blast that forced them all back and knocked Hirro, Taiga, and Emiko out of their transformations. Cronus opened a portal that was about to get Nico but Emiko ran and tried to get Nico out but caused both of them to get stuck.

Emiko and Nico found themselves in a dark swampy area with no sight of life around.

"Are you okay?" Emiko asked Nico. Nico nodded her head and took another look as to wear they were.

"Welcome," Cronus said as he came down a set of stairs.

"Cronus," Emiko mumbled under her  breath.

"This is the final fight. Your Kamen Rider Chronicle gashat has the ability to transform you into Kamen Rider Cronus. Use it," Masamune said to Nico.

"There is no way in hell I'm letting you fight Nico," Emiko said taking out her gashat. She presses it but only static noises came from the gashat.

"Sorry, Mighty Novel  X, this fight is between Rider Players and myself," Cronus explained. Before Emiko could react, a chain came and wrapped around her and pulled her off the ground.

"Emiko!" Nico yelled as she looked at Emiko suspended in the air.

Emiko's POV

I just got chained and shot up into the air. That's lovely. Nico was about to transform when the virus started affecting her badly. I looked over my should and saw Taiga teleport into the area and walked over to Nico stopping her before she could transform. He transformed into Cronus instead of Nico and started fighting Masamune. One of their shot accentdtly hit the chain that held me up and broke it causing me to fall onto the ground. I pushed the chains off of me and went to Nico who was on the ground. Taiga got knocked over to us and was forced out of his transformation. He was about to transform again but Emu and Hirro stopped him. They gave him a pep talk (really bad timing) and the three of them transformed.

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