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"So, anywhere in particular you two wanna eat?" Ethan asked as we left the store. We both shrugged.

"Well you better hurry and decide befo-", he was cut off by his phone ringing. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out, sighed, and looked over at Grayson. "It's James."

I saw Grayson roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye. "Him and Emma are probably about to tear each others heads off, shouldn't you answer that?" The phone was on it's 4th ring.

"Probably," Ethan replied, pressing the green answer button, "this should be good." As he spoke, he slowly wandered around, and the voice on the other side of the call spoke louder than he was.

"James is our best friend that came here with us. Very gay, good makeup artist, very loud, always horny."

"He sounds lovely," I said with a laugh.

"He's the best, even though he flirts with me all the time."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me you're one of those guys."

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "What do you mean?"

I laughed and lowered my voice to try and mimick his. "Oh yeah, man, my gay best friend James flirts with me all the time, heh heh."

He stared at me for a second, then let out a long, loud laugh. "First of all, I do not sound that obnoxious. Second of all, no, I'm definitly not. It's just an inside joke between the four of us."

I smiled again. "I was kidding, you could get away with being a douchebag with a face like that," I said, winking at him jokingly. What the hell, Chavelle? Did you really just do that?

He winked back, obviously as jokingly as I had. At least he doesn't think I'm a creep, the cheeky son of a bitch winked back. "Good to know."

"Alright, so," Ethan said after about 5 minutes of talking on the phone. "James and Emma got into a huge fight and she cut the bristles off of all of his makeup brushes so now he's trying to throw her over the balcony railing."

I tried to stifle another laugh. "Well it sounds like you guys should tend to that."

"Yeah, most likely. Should we exchange numbers?" He asked. I agreed and gave him mine, and wrote down his on my wrist since I was not about to pull out my flip phone in front of them. Grayson looked down at me, then back up at Ethan. "You go on, I'm gonna hang with her for a while."

"Really?" I asked, practically feeling the desperation in my voice.

"That's okay, right?" He asked me. I nodded. "Perfectly okay."

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow Elle, and I'll see you later Gray. Be careful when you get back, you know Emma and James," Ethan said before jogging down the sidewalk.

Grayson gave him a brief thumbs up and then looked back down at me. "So, food?"


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