t w e n t y

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It was about 8:30 when I decided to go back to my apartment. I spent a few more hours with Gus and Ava, then we did, in fact, go get pizza. Everything had calmed down, and by that I mean none of us were high anymore, and I had no tears left to cry (a/n- where my ari stans) after crying to them for a good hour. My face felt tired, and so did I.

Right as Gus was about to drive me home, Ava came running out of the living room and wrapped me in a hug. I didn't even hesitate to hug her back. He story really stuck with me, and even though I didn't know her that well, I knew that she had found her happily ever after.

"I hope everything works out for you," she said. The way she spoke made me think that she was talking about more than just Grayson. I licked my lips and nodded. "Thank you," I said softly.

We waved at each other before Gus and I walked out and headed down the hall. Once we were about halfway to the Freemont, he spoke to me. "So, what are you gonna do now?"

I stared out the window, like I had the first time I was in here. I was silent for a long while. "Do you realize how much has changed since the first time I was in this cab with you, Gus Gus?"

He laughed. "Yes, I do, actually. But why don't you tell me again."

"I got a tattoo, I got a job, I've lived alone, all on my own, I made friends, and I fell in love."

He smiled. "Did you now? I figured you'd refuse that you ever said that once the high wore off."

"This is cheesy, but, true love never wears off, Gus Gus."

He laughed again and pushed my shoulder. "Okay get out of here, loser." I laughed too and opened the cab door.

"Wait," he said quickly before I got all the way out. I turned to look over at him.

"I'm, uh," he began. "I'm really proud of you, Elle. I do remember the first time you were in here, and you just looked ... so lost. But you've changed so much, and I really hope, like Ava said, that everything works out for you."

Maybe I wasn't totally done crying. I wiped my face with my hoodie sleeve and leaned over to hug him. He hugged me back and patted my back, like a good old bro-hug.

We let go and I got out. He gave me the "call me" hand signal and I laughed and nodded. He smiled one last time before driving off. I walked into the hotel and went to the elevator.

I arrived at my floor, unlocked my room, and walked in, closing the door behind me. I could smell the weed on me, so I stripped down and took a shower. Once I got out, I put on joggers and loose tshirt.

I sat down on my bed and rubbed my temples with the tips of my fingers. My mind eventually went right back to Grayson. I remembered everything I said about him at Ava's, and I remembered the exact moment when I realized I loved him. The exact moment. Something just clicked. And I know now that it wasn't even the weed. Because here I am, stone cold sober, and I'm still in love with him.

I licked my lips and stood up from my bed. I had to fix this. I couldn't stand the thought of hurting or upsetting him, which I knew is how he felt. I walked back out of my room with my room key and my phone in my pocket, and didn't bother locking it.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the 5 button. I watched the doors close to make sure no one tried to ride with me, before letting more tears fall from my face. I really didn't think I could cry any more, but I was wrong. I put my hand over my mouth to keep a loud sob from escaping my mouth. I didn't even know why I was crying, except for one reason.

I was in love.

Me, in love. One of the many things I thought I've felt before, but know now that I never really have. It was terrifying really, to feel this strongly about someone. Especially someone I've only known for two weeks. But Grayson was right this morning, and Ava was right this afternoon; it doesn't matter how long we've known each other. Because he loves me, and I love him, and nothing else matters right now.

The elevator doors opened, and I stepped out, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was in love. I arrived at their door, and knocked quietly.

The doorknob turned slowly, and the door opened slowly. Grayson stood in front me with a red, puffy face and bloodshot eyes. You could tell he had been crying. The room behind him was dark, except for the light of the TV. "Hey," he said in a shaky voice.

I felt tears fill up my eyes again. Damn it, I am so tired of crying. His eyes shifted from tired to sympathetic almost instantly. "Elle?"

"I love you too, Grayson," I sobbed out. I didn't know it would be so easy for me to say.

He stared at me for a second, until his face brightened up in the most subtle and way. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me. I sobbed into his shoulder, only making him hold me tighter. "Shhh," he said softly That feeling of home and safety flooded over me once again, and for the first time all day I felt genuinely happy.

I pulled away from him a little bit, still crying. I looked up at him and saw he had tears in his eyes too. He had my face in his hands trying to wipe mine away. I completely ignored them and pulled his face down, pressing his lips onto mine. He stood still for a second before wrapping his arms around my waist.

Our lips moved together perfectly, just like they had last night. I tried to pull myself up higher. "Are they home?" I asked in between kisses. "Shopping," he said, before reconnecting our lips.

I finally jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso, and placed his hands under my thighs. He pulled away for a second, staring me in the eyes. "Do you want to? I mean, are you ready?" He asked quietly. I nodded before kissing him again. "Yeah, I'm ready."

He stepped back into the room, holding me close to him with one arm, and shutting the door with the other.


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