t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"Okay, can I just say how totally badass that was?!" Ethan asked once I was back inside. I threw my phone across the room and grabbed a bottle of water from out of the fridge.

"Yeah, Elle. That was killer!" Emma and James added. They were both laying on my bed, flipping through the TV channels.

"Yes, yes you may. Guys it was hilarious. She went on and on about how she was gonna send a bunch of people from my family over here to 'track me down and bring my ass home.' I mean how pathetic is that?" I took a large drink of water and ran a hand through my hair.

"Wait, they know where you are?" Grayson asked. "Yup. New York City, Freemont Hotel, baby!" I yelled playfully.
"Elle, seriously. What makes you think she won't send them over here to find you and take you back to Carolina?" He asked. His voice became more frantic and tense.

"Gray, no one is coming here to get me."
"You don't know that, babe. What if I come up to your room to see you and you're just, gone?"

My heart fluttered once I heard him call me that. I walked towards him and took his hands in mine. Standing up as high as I could, I pecked his lips. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead before wrapping me in his arms. "Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked.
I nodded. "Sure, just let me change."
"Yeah, I need to too. Be right back." He left the room and shut the door behind him.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I changed into a pair of jean shorts, a red tank top, and white converse. I ran my brush through my hair and left it down. "You guys wanna go with us?" I asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"Well, we'd love to but we've got a long say planned of doing nothing," Emma replied. "We might be able to clear some time for dinner, though."
I laughed and sprayed some perfume on myself. "Gotcha, well good luck with that. Bye bitches."

"Bye!" They all three yelled.
I rode the elevator to their floor and walked into their room. Grayson was in the standing in the bathroom at the sink in nothing but boxers. I stood in the bathroom doorway and waited for him to notice me.

"Nice," I said. He turned around and rolled his eyes. "Perv."
I laughed and sat down on one of their beds, twisting the ring on my finger. He walked out after a few minutes, and looked at me. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "Well, this brings back memories."

I looked over at him to see him smirking. I scoffed. "Who's the perv now?"
He unplugged his phone from his charger and slid it into his pocket, then walked over to the side of the bed, staring down at me.
I sighed, letting out a yawn. "Ready to go?"

"Not quite," he said. With a smirk still planted on his face, he climbed onto the bed and hovered over me, then ducked his head down and kissed me. I pulled him down farther until it eventually turned into a whole make out session. My hands were traveling up his back, trying to pull his shirt off. His were traveling all the way down my body, then back up.

His lips made their way to my neck and jaw, and he began sucking lightly, getting lower each time.
His hand drifted down to my crotch as he kept sucking on my neck. He rubbed me over my shorts, I let out soft moans every time his hand moved.
After moving his face back up to kiss my lips once more, he climbed off of me and pulled me up.

My head was spinning. "You're really gonna make me go to dinner like this?"
He laughed and winked at me. "There's always tonight." He took my hand in his and led us out the door.

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