t w e n t y - f i v e

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The cab ride back to the hotel was long and quiet. He held my hand tightly the entire night, like if he were to let go I'd suddenly be back in South Carolina. I held his hand just as tight, because I guess deep down I was afraid of the same thing.

The elevator ride to our room somehow seemed even quieter. His face was blank, and mine was a whole mix of emotions. I don't think I could feel blank even if I wanted to.

We entered my room, and the other three were still there. Their heads all turned in our direction once we walked in, and their eyes followed us all the way to my bed.

Once we sat down he instantly took me into his arms and held me tighter than I think he's ever held me before. "I hate to bring this up, Elle, but your mom called while you were gone," Emma said. "Twice," James added. I nodded at them, as if to say thank you for letting me know that my psychotic mother called me for the 800th time today. I could've swore I had my phone with me tonight.

Almost as if she knew we were talking about her, my phone rang. I tried to pull away from Grayson to get it, but he hesitated and held me closer to him. "Gray," I said softly. He sighed and let me go. I grabbed it off the table and answered. "Didn't I tell you to never call me again?" I snapped.

"We're on our way, Chavelle. I'm giving you one last chance to come home willingly."

Grayson must've heard this, because he automatically threw himself off the bed and strolled onto my balcony, slamming the door behind him. Ethan, Emma, and James remained in the room, listening to our conversation.

"I'm not coming home, and you aren't making me come home. End of story, last time that I'll say it."

This time, she hung up. "You, do not get to hang up on me," I murmered to myself, slamming it down on the table. I stepped out onto the balcony and was greeted by the warm night air. Grayson was standing with his elbows on the railing. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, placing my forehead on his back.

"If she calls you again I'm throwing that thing off this damn balcony," he snapped. I stayed silent,

"They can't take you from me, Elle. They can't. I can't lose you," I kissed his back over his shirt, and could hear the pain in his voice. It cracked with every word he spoke. "I mean, I get they're your family, but-"

"You won't lose me, Gray. I promised you, remember?"

He turned around and faced me. "Your mom isn't gonna give up on you."

I shrugged. "I know. But I've given up on her. And sooner or later she'll realize that and do the same."

He didn't say anything.

"If it's alright, I'll just stay with you guys, since apparently they have my room number. Or at least she says they do."

"Of course it's alright," he said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I looked up at him and smiled. "But, for tonight, we aren't gonna sit around and be sad or worried. We're gonna do something. All five of us. Then we'll come back to your place and hang out, and we'll figure something out in the morning, okay? That's when she's supposed to get here." I placed both of my hands on the sides of his face.

He nodded and sniffed. "Okay."

We walked back into the room. I clapped my hands together once to get their attention. "Alright, we're going out. All of us."

They all raised their eyebrows at me. "But what abou-"

I cut Ethan off by raising up a finger. "No, this entire situation is nonexistent for the rest of the night. Not even happening. We don't know her. We're gonna worry tomorrow. Now, everyone get all dolled up."

They all stood up and headed out the door. Grayson and I stayed behind to pack up the stuff I had strung out around the room, mostly clothes and art supplies.

I collected all of my pencils and erasers and stuffed them into my bag, and he did the same with my clothes. I checked the front pocket of my backpack to make sure I still had the joints and bottle of vodka Ava had given me, and I did. I emptied out the fridge and packed everything up from the bathroom, putting it all into my makeup bag.

"I'm kinda gonna miss this place," I said once we were done. It looked empty, even though I never took up a lot of room in it.

"Don't say that like you're leaving," he said.
I sighed. "I'm not, but I know I will eventually."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. He picked up my duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder, heading out the door. I turned off the TV and all the lights before I picked up my remaining bags and followed him, locking it once we were out.

Once we were at his room, Emma, Ethan, and James were ready to go.

"Wait you're staying here now?" Emma asked excitedly. I nodded and dropped my stuff next to Grayson's bed. "Yup."
She squealed with excitement. "Finally, another girl. I'm sick of all these boys."

Ethan scoffed. "Especially you," she said pointing at him.

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