chapter 7

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Shaye’s p.o.v

it was almost lunch and I was sitting in geometry. it was so boring i just sat there doodling on my paper . I don't get why we have to take geometry like i know my shapes bishh!!!

I was too busy ranting about how I hate geometry in my head I didn't even realize what I was drawing. But when I looked down I was amazed. Like I knew I could draw but I think someone else drew this. I was looking at Michaels enchanting green eyes. Stunned of my new found skill.

But all things have to come to an end, because I was still admiring my drawing when the bell rang. I gently put the drawing in my folder.

Before lunch I to stopped at my locker to put my books away a piece of folded paper fell out I picked it up and put in my pocket it’s probably not important.

While I was still looking through my Locker I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist and warm minty breathe on my neck. I slowly turned around.

Green eyes almost just like my drawing but better. Way better! "Hey Mike “I said quietly looking at my shoes suddenly becoming really shy. "Hey love me and the lads usually go to Starbucks during lunch you coming “I asked lowly with a sexy smirk on his face. I just nodded not wanting to embarrass myself further. "Good j wouldn't go without you” he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek and taking my hand and leading me down the hallway.

We were still holding hands and I was still blushing when we got to the lads. They all looked confused at why I was blushing till them. Saw our hands. That look of confusion quickly turned into hurt and jealousy. Now it was my turn to be confused. Why were they looking like that? I've held hands with all of them I even kissed Ashton, cuddled with Calum and danced and sang with Luke. This is the most me and Mike have talked since the party, and I was glad so screw there looks.

"you lads ready " I asked them with a smile their faces seemed to soften a bit as I did that "yea come on lads get in the car " Ashton ordered them as it started to sprinkle. I started walking to until Michael grabbed my hand and told me "we're taking my car there isn't enough room in his" I nodded in understanding. I did my hands like a little kid who wants to get picked up and did my puppy dog face. "Will you cawwy me pwease" I asked in an innocent voice.

He leaned over me slightly since he was like 6 foot 2 and I was only 5 foot 3 inches and a 1/2.then he grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him and now it was full on raining. he let go of one of my hips and gently cupped my face and started to lean in so I did to then my eyes fluttered closed and then I felt his lips on mine it was the best feeling ever! !

We were kissing for about a minute before it started thundering and we pulled away smiling like an idiot. He looked so cute I just couldn't help it so I got on my tiptoes and kissed him again. Then ran to the car.

Two minutes later he got in the car still smiling he started the car and then grabbed my hands and kissed the back of it. Then I started shivering in the passenger seat. Michael looked at me concern in his eyes “you could love?” I nodded he pulled over and went in the back of the car and pulled out his leather jacket and wrapped it around me.

I smiled and mumbled a quiet "thanks" he just grabbed my hand warming it up for me then wake me up by Ed sheeran came on. Mikey being the most hopeless romantic started singing it to me. After the song ended we pulled in to Starbucks. Michael parked and turned to me he quickly kissed me and rushed out "iknowwejuststartedhangingoutbutwillyoucomeovertomyhouseafterweleavenottosleepwithyounotha" he couldn't hear me saying his name as he cutely rambled on so I kissed him to make him stop. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his and said "I would love to come over" his eyes sparkled like he just heard they cured cancer "really? That’s great I can't wait but we should probably go in before they get worried”

With that we got out of the car and went in to starbucks no one would notice a thing

Calum’s p.o.v

I can't believe she just kissed Michael!

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