chapter 10

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*Shaye's p.o.v*

I was stuck in my place. Shocked at what i was seeing. Of Course it all makes sense now. Luke's very attractive Guy any girl would want him. Not to mention he has been acting more awkward and secretive. I shook out of my sudden shock transept and walked up to the blue eyed boy who hadn't yet noticed my presence . My spilled hot chocolate long forgotten. Though I'd have to get another one later.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped slightly and turned around to meet my intense stare. "Mind explaining what you’re doing at my Locke Lucas? " i questioned him. He looked shocked to say the least and shook his head no. "Well from the way i see it i have recently received a note in my Locker from a certain. Blue eyed boy. One might say considering you have blue eyes and are sliding something in my locker I'd have to guess you knew at least something about these notes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Umm no i wouldn't I'd love to stick around but i have to walk my goldfish bye " he said quickly running away." Really Luke walk you goldfish!"i yelled at his retreating figure.

I sighed quietly to myself and opened my locker. Like expected a note fell out. I just picked it up to read later. Then i grabbed my global book that is much to heavy for my liking and walked to class. Since the bell just rang. The class room was empty except for the bald teacher Mr.Morre  . Soon more students started to file in i sat in the middle of the room. I remember Baldy (Mr.morre) saying something about a junior class joining us today. Yay  lucky us. Note the sarcasm.

I put in my head phones as we waited for the other class to show up. Jasey Rae by All Time Low started to play. I guess now is a good time as ever to read that note.

Dear sunshine

Do you mind if i call you sunshine because you are my sunshine. No matter where we are or what kind of mood your in you make my days slot better. But i guess you can't be my sunshine because you and Michael are a thing now but that's okay as long as you’re happy. Thigh it makes me kind of sad that IM not the one making you happy ill get over it but that's all classes are gunna start soon

Your blue eyed boy xx

I folded it up and put it in my pocket to put in my drawer when i got home. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Michael. "Michael what are you doing here?" I asked. He was sitting in the desk right behind me " I'm in Mrs. Decker’s global class. "i told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I always forget that Michael and Ashton are juniors while me Cal and Luke are all sophomores.

I don't even know why we have to have the juniors in our class. Something about a project. I hate projects because the teachers always pair me with someone i don't like. Like honestly they do that just to piss us off.

The teacher started talking Breaking out of my thoughts." So today we are starting a project with the juniors like i told you last Friday," nope he didn’t tell us that last Friday. "So I and Mrs. Decker are going to pair one sophomore with one junior. Okay?" Every one said 'Yes' Back. Then he started pairing people "Tiffany with heather. Billy with Jessica. Walter with Carl..." yada yada yada i basically tuned them out till i heard my name being called. "Shaye with Sean. That's it all of you guys go sit with your partners." Yes i didn't get that bad of a partner just some junior that i didn't even know. That's not that bad considering Michael got paired with Kasey this adorable freshman nerd that got put in our class.

I started walking over to the desk directly next to this ' Sean ' Guy. "Hi" i said quietly sitting next to him. You see the thing is when I'm with my friends I'm loud and funny. But if its me with someone i don't really know i get super awkward and non -social. "Hey I'm Sean" he said smiling at me, and let me tell you he had a great smile. I nervously played with the brackets on my wrists. "So what do you want to research” our project was on someone who made a huge impact on your life. That makes no sense considering this is global and we have to have partners, but whatever.

"I was thinking the band Greenday. Ever heard of then." He asked i gasped in horror "Is that a rhetorical question i may be American but IM not an idiot of course i know who they are their my idol's ." How dare him. "Okay sorry just didn't peg you as a punk rock chick "he said shrugging "dude my hair is pink I'm wearing a blink shirt and how does that not scream 'I'm punk rock '?" I questioned him. Honestly the nerve of some people. "Look IM sorry let’s just work on the project okay?" Sean apologized. "Alright so what made you pick Greenday?  "I asked him because honestly not many people like them. "Well their one of my favorite bands. You could say i listen to alit of bands." He seems like a really cool Guy. "Oh really me too i listen to greenday, Nirvana blink-182 as you can tell "i said motioning to my shirt "also iron maiden, Metallica, fits and the tantrum, never shout never, fit for rivals, the fray, and the script. There's aloft more but we would be here forever if i named the entire band." I told him laughing slightly because it was true.

"You should come over to mine after school so we could work on the project and listen to some music.” Sean offered with a hopeful look in his eyes and who am i to say no to that "sure but do you drive or walk or bus?”I asked "my cousin drives me home but my mom drops me off “he told me "should i meet you out front.?" I asked what feels like the hundredths question. "Yea here's my number just text me if you can't find me " he told me as he scribbled his number on a piece of paper then handed it to me. I looked at it he had oddly familiar hand writing ."Alright see you after school. "I told him before walking out of the room because the bell had rang.

Now i have to endure the rest of this day as time slowly passes by. I sighed heavily. Why does the day go by when you need it to go faster.

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