chapter 16

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Shaye’s p.o.v

It was currently 3:30 in the afternoon. Jack had left earlier but not without telling me something and me crying.


I was hugging Jack one last time when he pulled away but kept his hands firmly on my shoulders. "Now shaye you be good and I know I said pick boy number one because I think boy number two just isn’t ready for a relationship and has a couple more years to find that right one. But I want you to go with your heart. Do what feels right. Lastly make sure to keep theses idiots in line." I had tears freely streaming down my face now jack wiped them away and pulled me into another hug. Messing up my hair he whispered in my ear , " but I’m team Michael all day." I pushed him away laughing through the tears. "Fuck you jimmy go to college you old fart." Jack just laughed back "be good kiddo." Then he was gone.

«Flashback over »

Now I was sitting here like a knot on a log waiting for it to be 4:00 so I could start getting ready for Michael and I's date that would start at 5. I had already picked out what I was going to wear. Nothing fancy because Michael said and I quote " I'm to punk rock for fancy." It was a simple My chemical romance welcome to the black parade with leggings with the lyrics on them. I thought I would go with thick black eyeliner and I would straighten my hair and wear a white beanie.

Finally the clock struck four and I rushed to get ready first brushed my teeth straightened my hair then I put my clothes on and lastly I did my make-up. Looking in the mirror on the back of my door I looked presentable. I walked down stairs and I guess no one was home. I suppose that happens when you spend all dag in your room. Looking at my phone I saw that it was 4:45. I just sat on a stool in my kitchen playing geometry dash even though I suck.

Just as I was about to throw my phone at the wall because whoever made this game is stupid my doorbell rang. Pocketing my phone after swearing at it and calling it mean names I answered the door. There stood Michael Gordon Clifford in all his sexiness. Dressed in ripped jeans a Gerard way shirt and had is hair neatly styled. "Hi." I said stepping out of the house suddenly very nervous. "Hello you look great by the way and nice shirt." I laughed because how Ironic the day I plan to wear a My Chemical Romance shirt he happens to wear a shirt with their lead singer on it. But Gerard Way is hot so I'm not complaining. We walked down the steps to his car and he opened the door for me I blushed but otherwise got in the car. Soon after I got in so did he. "So where are we going?" I asked excited for this date. Michael looked over smirking slightly. "Its a surprise." He told me before he grabbed my hand and started driving. Knowing that Michael is very stubborn I decided not to ask him where we were going.


I most have fell asleep because I was being gently shaken. "Hey baby you got to wake up." I stretched then looked over at Michael smiling lazily." We're here. Now you have to put this on." He said as he handed me a bandanna that he must've taken from Ashton to put over my eyes. I compiled and tied it over my eyes .

I heard a door being opened then shut then my door was open and who I'm assuming is Michael grabbed my hands and pulled me gently out of the car. "Stay here." He said then let go of my hand. Not wanting to get lost I stood there humming a nameless tune.

Not even five minutes later I heard a noise that sounded like sticks being broken. Before I knew it I was being hauled into someone's arms. I screamed "put me down!" I yelled thrashing around in their arms. "hey baby calm down it’s just me." Michael said lightly kissing my cheek. I instantly relaxed. Soon enough I was gently placed on what felt like a blanket. "Erm you can take the blindfold of now." Michael said sounding extremely nervous. Slowly I untied then knot at the back of my head and pulled away the bandanna.

I looked around and was absolutely breathtaking. He had brought us to a waterfall and laid out a blanket for us to sit on and there was a picnic basket at the far side of the blanket. "Mikey its beautiful." I said at a loss for words he visibly relaxed and sat next to me wrapping an arm around my waist. "I’m glad you like it." He said smiling warmly at me. We sat In silence for a couple of minutes just enjoying one another’s company. "I brought pizza." That sentence alone had me falling harder for the boy with crazy hair.

We sat there mindlessly talking while eating our pizza. I had never felt so at peace with myself. Michael stopped talking and just stared at me. I smiled "what?" I asked and he just stared. "What Mikey why are you staring at me like that?" He opened his mouth then closed it like a fish out of water. Taking a deep breath he finally answered me. " it’s just your so beautiful. When you smile it’s so perfect but you don’t see it. The way you don’t think you’re smart and you just want to live life to fullest. You don’t care what anyone thinks of you or the things you do and I’m so glad that I met you that night at the party. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don’t want to let you go and I don’t plan on letting you go so will you be my girlfriend?" He said never looking away from me. I was blushing really hard , but I didn’t hesitate to kiss Michael on the lips. We kissed for thirty seconds maybe I don’t know all my brain could process was Michael Michael. I pulled away and said "I'd love to be your girlfriend Michael."

So we sat there cuddled under the moonlit sky watching the stars until we had to go. We got in Michaels car and drove in the direction to his house. "Um Michael you do know we have school tomorrow so I can’t sleep over as much as I'd love to but I have no clothes." I told him confused "oh I had Sean go to your house and grab you some clothes and your toothbrush don’t worry." I smiled thankful at him but then freaked out. "Wait that means Sean was in my drawers." I said almost screaming "uh yeah." He said not getting why I was freaking out. "Oh my god that means he saw my underwear and bras. That’s so embarrassing." I groaned. "Awe baby I’m sure you have cute underwear." Michael told me. I did not find it funny one bit so I glared at him.

When we got to Michaels house I ran up to his room without him. And sure enough my clothes were in a bag on his bed. I went through it only to find clothes for tomorrow and my one direction bra with Harry on the boobs. Then my little pony underwear. Kill myself. I shoved them back in the bag. Guess I'll be sleeping in these clothes tonight. Michael came into his room finally in pajamas. "Why aren't you changed?" he asked "um Sean only packed clothes for tomorrow so I’m going to sleep in these." I told him "nonsense you are my girlfriend and you will not be sleeping in uncomfortable skinny jeans." He said as he went to his drawer and grabbed a Metallica t shirt and a pair of pizza boxers this boy and his pizza I swear. "Awe thanks Mikey." I said then kissed his cheek but he pulled my back and kissed my lips. "Well your my girlfriend now so I couldn’t help myself." I laughed and blushed because I love the way that sounds. I went to the bathroom and changed and brushed my teeth and washed off my make-up. When I went back into Mikey’s room he was on his bed play a game on his phone. But when I walked in he stopped. "Uh how do I look?" I asked because I felt weird. I laid in bed next to Michael and he looked over giving me that look again that I named the' Michael look' and said " you look beautiful as always. Now let’s go to sleep." So that what we did. But not without a good night kiss from Michael.


T shirt she wore on the side

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