chapter 18

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              3 weeks later
              Shaye's p.o.v

It had been three weeks since me and Michael have been dating. We've gone on like five dates. One double date with Calum and his girlfriend Messa (pronounced me-sa) who just moved here from the Middle East. Messa was a short had olive skin and long raven hair that anyone would be jealous of. Having a quirky personality She was super adorable ,and perfect for Calum. We also have had a couple of sleepovers with everyone including kenzie. Turns out it wasn’t really her making out with Jonathan Miller in the janitors closet.

Soon its going 1 month anniversary and I have no clue what to get him so me ,kenzie, Messa and our distant friend Jo (short for Johanna) are going out to look for the perfect gift. First we stopped at hot topic I got us matching blink-182 shirts. Now I need somthing really big to get him that I know he'll love but my mind was drawing a blank space. "Gah guys I have no clue what to get him!" I said dramatically." We can just look around a few stores and get  whatever sparks your interest." Jo said like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Jojo it’s not that easy." I groaned using the nickname that only Messa called her even though she hated it "whatever. Let’s just go to guitar world and see if you can find anything." Kenzie said pulling me along. Mine and kenzie s friendship was practically back to normal after I said sorry for indirectly calling her rude names. Though she forgave me through slightly confused. Kenzie had also dyed her hair a lovely red near the bottoms.

Walking into guitar world I looked around and spotted a few things but not worthy of the 'we've been dating for a month and I might kind of love you' I want. So I continued to browse. Messa and kenzie went to get taco bell. I wasn’t surprised because food was the only thing Kenzie could love more than Ben. She proved that too when she wrote pretty much a five page essay expressing why she would never cheat on him and why she loved him. I would've done the same given I had been in her position.

For some unknowingly reason there In the back right corner dimly lit was a jewelry section in guitar world. Curiosity getting the best of me I walked back to the creepy glass case expecting to see a dead body or something but come on I think I would've smelt that. Turns out under that glass case was what I'd be purchasing for the love of my life. (Loml)

After I told the old man with this gnarly beard and a Hawaiian shirt exactly what I wanted I went to the food court to find only Kenzie sipping on her over priced overly sugared Starbucks coffee. Sitting in the seat opposite of her I asked "where are Messa and jojo?"She shrugged still sipping her diabetes in a cup." They left about six and a halve minutes ago to go check out hot topic for some new p!atd merch." I laughed because of course Jo would drag Messa to hot topic to get new merch for her endless collection of p!atd collection. "So let’s go find those losers and head home." We got up and left to go find them both. We ended up seeing messa pulling jo out by her arm while she tried to re enter the store." I’ve told you a thousand times but I'll tell you again, you cannot hit on the workers while they are working. They will call security again." Messa said as we neared the bantering duo. "But I know that guy he goes to my school and he was simply giving me his number so we could chill a star bucks sometime." Johanna countered back. Messa had soon seen us and was pulling a reluctant jo behind her to us. "You guys ready to go?" I asked. Jo went answer but Messa covered her mouth and nodded her head for the both of them. It was no shocker to me that she hated shoping so did I but I had gotten mikey the perfect gift so we could leave the horrid place. "Kay so shaye just has to pick up this gift of the century and we can hit the road Jo..... And Messa. Darn  that was gonna rhyme but it didn't and now I’m going to hate myself because it doesn’t." We just let Kenzie ramble on about her non rhyming sentence while we walked to guitar world.
Upon entering the now slightly brighter jewelry section of the store I noticed that the  previous worker I had been talking to was hunched over something across from me." Um excuse me sir is my erm.. Order thingy ready yet." I asked he spun around with an odd grin on his face. "Yes it is ready since you have already paid just grab it off the counter and be on your way." He said and went back to working. Not wanting to disturb I grabbed my bag left the store then the mall with my idiot friends.

rejects ( Michael Clifford / Luke Hemmings )Where stories live. Discover now