Chapter One

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Coy's POV

I had never thought a bright day could become dark in less than a minute. The day when my dreams of a bright future were ruthlessly taken away from me...when the brightness of a blue sky was replaced by dark greyish melancholy.  And just like that, my heart instantly swelled to immensity before suddenly deflating itself of all the little softness that it haboured. It was then, that I was robbed of my humanity, people's words, not mine.

The pained cry tortures me day and night. The sight of the blood that gashed out of my mother, as I watched helplessly, haunts me in my sleep. The shock that I saw in my two beautiful sisters will never let me rest.
Dadii! I called but he was gone. He had done his job. He had been the end of my sweet mother. Just as he kept threatening.
The rusty taste of the bloody concotion never leaves my lips. The intensity of my promise to my siblings sometimes threatens to break me. All of them live in me as I do inside me. And my sweet mother, lives in each of us. I will never forget what she told my father, "The kids will someday grow and avenge for my blood." True, I will never rest. I will avenge for her death or, she will avenge for herself, through me, of course.

The pain of watching all of us grow up in different orphanages is excruciatingly 'unavengeable'. I missed my sisters just the way I missed my brothers. Rene is my favourite. She's so damn cute and relaxed. She will never raise her voice to anyone. At least I have never heard her shouting  at anyone. Her eyes never cease to glow with love whenever she talks to any of us, I imagine so because, if there is anyone who loves me more than they love themselves, then she's the one. Sweet Rene would sacrifice anything for anyone, apart from her books. She reads, and reads, and reads anything she comes across. In our young childhood, I used to think that teenage will have an effect to her. I thought she would dislike books but I swear I was wrong. When you want to get my sister's attention, you only need to quote a book. Truth is, I do not know what she finds so interesting in books but i love it when she is reading next to me. The way her face wrinkles, then brightens, and her eyes narrow, then a smile appears on her face, makes me happy.

And Allie, huh, she's my all time crush. Yes, I mean I love the way she comes up with tough ideas. Her's are crazy ideas but heavenly. Very contradicting, I know. She's my idea of a super lady. Strong like steal, appears very delicate  but in real sense, she's a diamond. Hard to break. My sister! 
The way she gets along with everyone even in terrifying days...the way she talks us down to the memory lane that we are one, that we can't afford to go separate ways emotionally...the way her hopes are always held high...and she would go to any extend to protect any of us. I still don't believe that it's now fifteen years, after the fateful day. A lot has changed yet remaining constant.

We are no longer toddlers, especially Elex. He's now ninteen. We all have discovered different things in life and have different personalities. We constantly come to disagreements on life's core values but one thing ties us more closely, the oath to stick by each other.
Having grown up in different environments and far from each other, apart from Oris and Elex, we all exhibit conflicting ideas. We fight often but that doesn't change the fact that we are the Forever Siblings.

"Hey Coy." Allie's bear hug has always been a source of my consolation. She is always warm. She is the only one who hugs and kisses everybody's right cheek when we are together. She invests her emotions in us...she banks her entire life time in our unity. She is the best thing that ever happened to my family. Strange enough, Cornelius loved her to infinity, you would think she's his only kid. How could he love her so much and hate Oris with a similar intensity. It never stops 'shouting nonsense' to my reason. And now, God knows, inspite all the efforts Allie makes to be the best twin sister she can ever be to Oris, that will never happen. Everything between them escalates with each passing hour.

"Been thinking as you always do!" She says. When her lips touch my cheeks, I  feel the strange rusty smell. I will never forget this one... It reminds me that we are meant to remain forever United. Then her eyes hold mine glued on hers and I know that something is cooking. I have known her all my life to not see when she actually wants me in a mission.

"Say it!" I urge her. Her eyes narrow at me and then she takes my hand in hers. A tight squeeze on me sends shivers throughout my body. What is on her mind that she's taking time to tell me?

"It shall be well with us." She whispers into my left ear then kisses my cheek again when we reach the bent. Without any further words, a car pulls by us and she waves me goodbye. Shit! What was that about?

As I watch the car disappear into the morning mist, a thought crosses my mind. She is my sister and I will always fight for her...I will always go with her wherever she goes...I will always get her into telling me her mind... Now that I have failed, I need to know exactly what happens. I rush back to the house and thank God, she left the gate open. I am going to turn her room upside down in search of an hint.

Her room sits next to mine. It has always been since we reconnected. This hasn't been deliberate. In our previous house, the one both Allie and Oris had rented for us, we found our rooms opposite each other's. This brought us closer because we spent most of our free time in each other's room. We just moved here last month after Elex joined us from the children's home. Allie was the last to take a room after all of us. Then our rooms ended up beside each other's. Oris, despite all our insistence, refused to stay with us. He insisted that he needs to stay close to his workplace. All of us know that wasn't his main reason. It is their bumpy relationship with Allie that keeps him off.

Allie's phone lies on the bed. She just left it here deliberately so that I don't get to her. I am sensing some danger here but I cannot place a finger on what might be happening. The gadget has a password which I am so oblivious off, but thanks to my good relationship with her, my finger print opens it.

There are no messages in or out... This is just getting complicated. Oris' contact is the only one in the call log. Since when did they start making calls to each other...

"Is she with you?" I ask Oris as soon as he answers my call at the first ring. I love him but I don't trust him around Allie. His hatred towards Cornelius always boils down to Allie. Don't get me wrong here, Oris loves my sister in the same way he hates her for taking his father's love from him. I know that he won't hurt her but I am just overprotective.

"There you are again. Why would you think she is with me? And suppose she is with me, isn't she my twin sister?" His voice his calm and controlled.

"Well, big brother. You are the last person my sister spoke to and in case anything happens to her, you will have me to answer to." I hung up before he says anything more. Was that necessary? Well, maybe I am over-reacting but I will do it again when it comes to sweet Allie.

My phone vibrates in my hands and I don't want to check who's calling. I am almost sure it's Oris. I toss it on the bed and walk out. I want to talk to Rene but am sure she will nag my peace out for waking her up.

I sit on my bed thinking of nothing but Allie. I shouldn't have let her go alone... Nothing bad has ever happened to any of us but right now, I feel as if something bad is about to happen. It's been years since we saw father and I feel like he's about to strike. He loves Allie so much and I just hope he doesn't try to take her from us...

Seconds and minutes merge to hours... Sitting here is not helping me out and so I am going out to meet Oris. I am just exiting the house when a car hooting comes through at the gate. I know Oris' car hoot. I can never confuse it with another. This one though, is too unfamiliar.
"Get back to your room!" I tell Rene who wants to go get the gate.
"I am coming with you!" She retaliates. At the end of her statement,  beautiful dimples form on her cheeks. Oh sweet Rene. I know better not to force her to stay behind so I let her come with me.

"Who are you?" I ask the two strangers at the gate. They look at each other for a moment before one of them, the short one, points a gun at me. What the hell?

"Where is she?" He asks. Who? Allie? What has she done?

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