Chapter:2 Acting like i don't care but i only did it because i'm in love in you

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(The next day Spencer POV)
I woke up alone in bed wishing I didn't let Toby go but I did it was for the best but why do I still care for him ugh... I check my phone and got up and made coffee and then I heard a knock on the door and I open it. Hi I said Hey Toby said Why are here it's 8:00am right now I said Spencer why were you drinking at my engagement party at the Radley? Toby said I got drunk Okay I had a reason and I can't tell you why I said What's wrong? You look like you been crying Toby said I can't tell you won't understand I said I might not understand but come here Toby said Okay I said Then I hugged Toby and he hugged back

Look I'm just worried that you aren't alright but if you're not I can try to be there for you Toby said It's Okay Toby you don't have to it's still my fault we ended It always is I said Why are you blaming yourself you spot me out for caring too m...

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Look I'm just worried that you aren't alright but if you're not I can try to be there for you Toby said It's Okay Toby you don't have to it's still my fault we ended It always is I said Why are you blaming yourself you spot me out for caring too much about myself I deserve it Okay it wasn't yours Toby said if we didn't end things would things be different Here I said Yeah probably but it was for the best Maybe we're not meant to be Toby said Yeah.... I said I should go I don't want to waste your time toby said wait don't remember scrabble? I said yes Toby said we could play that for old time sake I said Sure Toby said then I got out the game. I put down Limerence. Ah what's that mean Toby said you'll find out someday I said Okay let me see if I win *puts down goofball* Wow you beated me again with the same word I said I'm afraid I did Toby said then he's phone went off. I have to take this Toby said ok I said Then he went off with he's phone and I looked around our room and saw A old picture of us I smiled at it but looked down. Spencer it's the police they said Alex is out and apparently Caleb alive? Toby said Oh my god I said what did you know this already? Are you keeping secrets from me? Toby said No I said Ok I have go Toby said Bye I said Bye Toby said Then he got he's keys and left. Spencer? Hanna said Hanna? I said you and Toby seem apart what happened? Hanna said We got a divorce okay and we broke up in the middle of it We're not meant to be even if I still love him... I said Omg Spencer That sounds like too much for a single person? Hanna said What i can't seem to date anyone since We broke up And I felt so alone since we did I said Ali and Emily came back to each other Don't lose hope Spencer hanna said I already have I said Spencer you don't have to give in because Alex back And apparently so is my ex But don't give up on him Hanna said he's engaged.... I said What??? Omg Spencer Hanna said *turns on Tv* Apparently We have News that Alex Drake - Rivers Broke out of Jail The reporter said I'm afraid she has Sir Toby said Now Officer Cavanaugh is it True? She out and wanting revenge? The reporter said Yes Toby said Should Your wife watch out Mrs Hastings? The reporter said Oh we're not together but I will watch out for her I guess Toby said Okay So I guess the rumors are true that you're engaged to Amy Hughes Reporter said Yes we're engaged Toby said Well congratulations Officer Cavanaugh reporter said Thanks I have to go So bye Toby said Bye Reporter said Then I rolled eyes and turn off the Tv. Hey I was watching that Hanna said I have to go the Bar Sorry Han I said Rude much Hanna said Sorry Okay I'm jealous I said over Toby engagement let me guess? Hanna Said yeah That... I said Can't you just be happy for him Hanna said I guess I need a drink I said no you need to find someone besides Toby Hanna said I can't I already try I said I have to call Noel Don't do anything stupid while I'm on the phone Hanna said Ok.. I said Then Hanna got her phone and called Noel. I looked around and I saw the picture from earlier and smiled at it we were so happy back then we had No A or AD

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