Chapter: 5 forgetting We were a us

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( at the hospital Spencer POV)
I was Reading then Toby came in. Hey I said Hey Toby said You're supposed to With your fiancé why are you here? I said Well I had to see you before we go Toby said Go? I said Yeah we're leaving Rosewood For a long time like maybe a year and we're going to start a family Toby said When? I said This weekend Toby said Oh I understand you can Go I can get out of your way U I said I sighed I'm really happy for you I don't want to ruin that for you so go spend time with your fiancé then you're crappie Friend I said Spencer you're special to me I want to spend time with you Toby said You do? I said Yes before I leave Toby said I know kissing you was a mistake so you can kiss someone who love that's not me and it's Amy I said Spencer It's not your fault I mean it's a lot to make me saying this but I did want to kiss you back but I don't think I love you anymore Toby said Oh I understand you're in love with someone well I'm happy for you I guess I said Spencer... Toby said I Get it You can go now I said Spencer? I have to push you away it's for the best... Toby said Well Good Job you already did I said Then He sighs at me. I know in our vows we said We never leave each other I guess we were wrong And Crazy in love instead I have to Go Toby said Fine... I said I have something to tell you Toby said What you already done a enough I said You know the house I build it wasn't for Amy I was building the house For you Toby said Wow I said Goodbye Toby said Goodbye... Toby Then he stop and turn around. Toby wait I said What why Toby Said Can I kiss you Goodbye for last time I know it won't mean anything to you but can I I said Then He nods at me then I came closer to him and I face to face with him and looked at me. I remember when we used to look at each other like this I said I do too Toby said Remember Me if you don't ever feel safe when you're gone because you mean everything to me and I just want you to know that Whatever happened I will always be here for you and Promise me you will be safe on your way to wherever you're going I said promise Toby said Good I said Then he smiles at me and I smiled back and Then I lean in and kissed him passionately and He kissed back passionately

 I remember when we used to look at each other like this I said I do too Toby said Remember Me if you don't ever feel safe when you're gone because you mean everything to me and I just want you to know that Whatever happened I will always be here ...

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Then I pulled away from him And didn't know what to say I Don't know what to say we haven't kissed like that us it meant something Toby said Before you go I have something to say I said sure what is it Toby said I never stop loving you Even if I try to I can't I said Spencer... Toby said Then tears ran down my cheek. Then he rubbed them Off and looked at me And I looked back Then He kissed me passionately and I kissed back Then we didn't stop Each other we just kissed so passionately we couldn't Break our kiss and Then Toby asked me Are you sure Toby said Yes I said Then we kissed passionately

/// Many hours later ///
I woke up and I was in a Some bunker or something But I looked around and I looked at My Hand I noticed something on it. Toby - I had to Go with Amy I'm sorry but last night with you I forgot all of our pain and all I noticed was you and I won't stop thinking about you - Toby I said Hello Sister Alex said Hi I said you're staying here for Years and you won't survive you're Ex is With one of our agents who he's engaged to and I saw you guys kissing and having Sex tell me Do you still love him? Alex said I do and I always will I said Caleb! Alex said Yes baby Caleb said What did you do to Toby After he left? Alex said We wreck he's car And Amy probably won't survive And Toby will Died and you won't do anything about it because you're missing So Good luck Caleb said Then Tears when down my face and all I kept thinking about that how Toby was going to Be Alright I hope he was Enjoy you're jail time down here While we go destroy everything you love Spencer! Alex said I guess The Girl I saw Toby flirting with was you I said Correct You Really are smart but dumb on the outside for falling for him He's Not yours He never was Alex said Hey Babe the police are coming someone knows about this Caleb said Leave her down here to Died Let's go my love Alex said gladly Caleb said Then Alex turns on something and I passed out and I don't think I wasn't good enough after that....

/// Toby POV ////
I woke up two days at the hospital and I looked around what happened to Amy? I said She Died we're sorry Sir Nurse said What? Wow I said You haven't heard the news Mr Cavanaugh Nurse said What News What happened to Spencer? I said She been missing Nurse said What? I said Then I rushed to her and I didn't she her there. No Not Spencer I have to find her and I looked around all Days and Nights and I couldn't find her. We are getting something Noel said Hopefully we will Spencer Has missing longer then Alison has Ezra said Then I Kicked the Wall. I'll get you some ice Noel said I don't need Ice! I need Spencer! I just wanted to kiss her and hold her and She missing! Because of me! It's all my fault! I said Woah Calm down we will find her You police Guys are still looking Right Ezra said Yeah but they are Giving up on me I'm not giving up I need her more then anything I said Then Noel Unlocked Caleb computer. Bingo Let find Them Now Noel said Then Noel Found a unknown location and I called my guys to go there. Let go! I said Then I looked around and try to find something there and I saw her necklace I gave her. Spencer? Are here? I said Then Noel unlocks a door and found someone. Hey it's Hanna Noel said Noel? Hanna said Hey Babe What Are Doing here? Noel said We are looking for Spencer Hanna said Hey we found something Emily said What? I said A secret door Emily said Hmm I'll go in Make sure you try to find Alex and Caleb I said K we will Noel said Then I went in and looked around and I saw A room and Then I Suddenly heard a voice. Help Anyone please I've been Suck in here for a year Spencer said Spencer! I said Toby???? Spencer said You don't how happy I am to hear your voice I said Me too Spencer said Then I let her out and Then She Hugs me and I hugged back

 Help Anyone please I've been Suck in here for a year Spencer said Spencer! I said Toby???? Spencer said You don't how happy I am to hear your voice I said Me too Spencer said Then I let her out and Then She Hugs me and I hugged back

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You know I've been Missing you like Crazy Spencer said

I love you I said I love you too Spencer said Then We kissed passionately after that

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I love you I said I love you too Spencer said Then We kissed passionately after that

Yessssssss Spoby Back 😍😍 Hope you enjoy this chapter 😜❤️

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