Chapter:8 I'm sorry i let you down

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(Chapter song - chains )
(Spencer POV at secret house)
I was looking though files of The Archers their seem to be a lot of Videos of Him and Alex and Alexia. Hmm It's so strange One Second She nice Then She psycho Wow She worse Then mona was When she went to Radley I said Well She one crazy bitch Hanna said Then Aria came in. Hey where were you? I said Just At work Aria said Ok then why is your make up mess up? I said It's nothing I think you better if you stayed away from Toby Aria said Woah Aria Calm down He's my boyfriend now I said He's Working with AD!!! I saw him with Amy! Aria said No he would if he was trying to protect me And he at work right now I said What he probably with AD Aria said No He's not he send me a picture? I said Then Aria rolls her eyes at me. You deserve better than him He left you for Amy? Don't you remember Aria said Aria that was hell for Spencer why the hell would he do that again Emily said Listen to me Stay away from Toby! Aria said No Why? I love him and he loves me? I said He's Dangerous! And He Obsessed with you! Aria said Aria WTH Stop Emily said I didn't say anything I roll my eyes and continue doing the files. Spencer listen to me! He's Dangerous We thought he killed Alison! And He Joined Caleb and Them and Worked with A He's Trash He doesn't love you! Aria said Aria Stop! I said No stay away from Toby! Aria said Why Exactly?!!!!! I said Because he's trouble and you don't deserve a guy like him! Aria said I sighed And I Cry a little. Aria You have no idea what Toby means to me I can't leave him I said You have to He's cheating on you with Amy! Aria said No he wouldn't I said Spencer she's lying!!! He loves you more than anything don't believe her Please! Emily said

I believe Aria She's my sister and Toby Wouldn't Do this to me but People don't change I'm sorry I said Happy now Aria Your sister is Heartbroken You're worst Then Melissa Emily said Stay away from Toby he's toxic! He doesn't love he never has ari...

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I believe Aria She's my sister and Toby Wouldn't Do this to me but People don't change I'm sorry I said Happy now Aria Your sister is Heartbroken You're worst Then Melissa Emily said Stay away from Toby he's toxic! He doesn't love he never has aria said Then Toby come in and Sees me crying Fuck off She doesn't need you! Aria said Then Toby goes to me and ask me something?

I believe Aria She's my sister and Toby Wouldn't Do this to me but People don't change I'm sorry I said Happy now Aria Your sister is Heartbroken You're worst Then Melissa Emily said Stay away from Toby he's toxic! He doesn't love he never has ari...

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Then i got up. Spencer? Answer me? Toby said I have to Go Sorry I let you down... I said No you could never let me down What's wrong? Toby said I have to go to New York I'm sorry I said Spencer wait?!!! Toby said I kept ignoring him. Why are you shutting me out Please don't leave I'm begging you Toby said Wait so are you AD not Amy? Aria said Not I'm not Spencer Please Toby said I'll be back in a week I'm sorry Toby I said Then I walked to my car. Wait are you giving up on us???? Toby said No I'm ending things Goodbye I said What??? No I thought things were going Amazing Spence I love you and nothing changes that you have to believe me! Toby said Then Noel and Ezra get in front of him. And I kept looking down and I turned to him.

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