Chapter:26 Game over Emily (final Chapter)

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"Previous On Two worlds collide"
You're telling me Emily is AD? Toby said Yes she is she's been behaved this whole time Aria said
He's dead Spencer get over it Emily said You killed Toby?! Spencer said Yes it's not my fault you're weak Emily said Spencer slaps Emily. What the hell you should have mess with me Emily said You mess with me already Spencer said

"Spencer POV"
Emily stop! I said Spencer you think actually care now when I want to go off the ledge Emily said No don't just turn yourself in I said No she has Be Deal with she try to kill you Remember? Toby said Then he gets out he's gun and points it at Emily. Emily you have to died sorry Toby said Toby I said Spencer she's controlling you snap out of it! Toby said. I Takes he's gun and shoot her with it. Ah you think that will kill me?! Emily said No but I will surely I said You won't get to bell tower in time because I set up something for rosewood Emily said What Exactly" said I bomb Emily said you set a bomb up?!!!! I said Then I Punch Emily. Hey you do that again I destroy Rosewood Emily said Where is it at?!! Before I kill you for hurting everyone one I love! I said What Exactly are you going to do me Spencer? Let's see Try to beat me and then again you'll lose you don't see it do you? Emily said
Toby now! I said What?! Emily said Then he grabs her and I take her phone. Hey you don't get to do this Emily said trying to get out from Toby. Wait? Who is your partner helping you with it?! I said Alex you should check and watch out for Ian He bites too Spencer Emily said. I Punched Emily in the face. Shut up! Or else Toby kills you! You know what Toby should because you seem to just ruin people lives by doing this Bomb I said I know you still care Emily said Nah I don't so you can go hired someone else but not me I said Walking away

///// At Bell Tower//////
I arrived at the bell tower. "Hello"anyone here, I said Looking around i Suddenly felt someone hands on my back. Hello Spencer Ian said Ian! I said Yup who did you expect Ian said What you do?! I said This Ian said Then he Knocks me out.

///// 30 minutes later "Toby POV"/////
Where's The bomb located at Emily I said Angrily Well the bombs have planted for a long time they are under the Church I've had them set ever since you first started seeing Spencer! Emily said Your like Jenna but worse! I said
I am you want to know something we dated and I killed her so who came up on top me of course I'm hot and Looks like someone who's not evil but I really am Emily said Your going to died I said I grab her by her neck then I heard Spencer in trouble. Spencer is it Trouble I have to go save Her I said Then go Toby I can hit the button Emily said That's when Aria and Ezra and Hanna and Caleb came in and Alison. Emily?! What are you doing! Alison said Alison I'm umm Emily said You said we be honest with each other all you did was used me like tool I can't believe I fell in love with you for no reason and it was all a lie I thought you loved me Alison said I do it's just Emily said I heard a bang from the church. Spencer!!!! I said What the hell is ian Doing I Emily said he's Done something to Spencer I said What? Emily said What are you telling me he's AD or Emily still is I don't know who the hell AD is anymore Ian has reasons why but umm Hanna said Ahhhhh Emily said falling to ground. What's happening to her ah I said Then I fell down to ground too.
I can't get up Did you do this Emily??I said No it wasn't apart of the plan Emily said weakly Guys Caleb said What? Hanna said Who was the only reason Spencer went missing? Caleb said Ian? Emily said You're Telling me Ian is AD? What??? I said When I was with Emily there was someone else actually she was the main one until someone took over here Game Caleb said Fricking Ian I'm going to kill him I said Getting up slowly and I raise up with wolf eyes. Toby what's up with your eyes Hanna said I'm a Hybrid I have to save Spencer before it's too late I said

///// 30 minutes later//////
Spencer!!! Spencer! Where are you? I said Toby Spencer said Weakly. Oh my god Spencer I said Go I have to stay Spencer said no I'm not leaving without you Spence I'm not just leaving you here to died I couldn't do that to you I said Toby move before I kill her Ian said. I raised my hands up and Secretly Got the bomb off when he wasn't looking. Spencer I love you I said Toby what are you doing? Spencer said getting up. Protecting you I'm sorry I said Then She looks at me with tears in her eyes. You can't sacrifice yourself for me no please don't Spencer said crying. Goodbye I love you I said I love you too Promise you will come back to me I Don't want to lose you Spencer said crying You'll never lose me I said Looking down

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