Chapter: 17 I did what i had to do Protect you

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(8 months later)
(Toby POV)
I walked into the Cafe in the place I was being held At And I saw Someone with a hoodie on Your Table Over There Pretty Eyes Lady said Then I nodded and go. Hello Is this AD? I said no it's Actually someone you Know Mystery Person said Fine Just tell me I said Then They Raised Up their head and It was someone who I knew better then anyone else Spencer? I said Hello Toby Spencer said What happened to you? I said What happened to you Cavanaugh you meet Someone who might be AD And you Believed Tanner Ian Told me Spencer said Ian is a lying Jerk bag He's Lying to you I said No he wasn't He And I did do Something that would Ruin our Marriage Spencer said What Exactly No Don't tell me you Two No Ew Why I said Because You never loved me Ian does so You Should walk away now Toby Spencer said Spencer I know who you are This isn't you I'm not Going to Anything stupid Now Follow me to the Hotel If you want to... I said

Toby you're not going to be with me Either you like it or not Spencer said Spencer please it's been 8 months since We both had a lot Of pain Okay but I guess if you want to lose me it's your fault I said Fine I'll Meet you Spencer said Then I walked off away from her got into the truck and She comes in and we drive to the hotel and Wr arrived at the Hotel.

///// At the Room////
I guess you Don't trust me I said Toby you have no idea what they did to me And You should Pack your Bags Spencer said Spencer Stop Acting like this I know this isn't you What did Wren do to you? I said Well He putted a lot of medicine in me and Made me like this and Ian Abuse me and Melissa Beated me up So I don't think Your Words will not Work on me Spencer said Spencer Don't Put Your Guard up Around me It's Okay I'll get them for this I said Toby They will Do what they did to me To you And What happened with you? Spencer said They Put me Though the same stuff but They did more to you I said Yes I guess Spencer said Look I don't know what he told you But I'm still in love with you Spencer I'm not going to walk away from you I said What's the point of staying with me Spencer said Because I love you and I know It's been A while since we last saw each other but I don't care because I will always love you I said Toby You Don't know The way I was hurting when you Saw me In the cell Spencer said I was going after you Until Tanner Took me Away From you And I know you mess up and I've messed up but it hasn't stop us From coming back to each other And I know the Girl I fell in love with is still in there I said

///// At the Room////I guess you Don't trust me I said Toby you have no idea what they did to me And You should Pack your Bags Spencer said Spencer Stop Acting like this I know this isn't you What did Wren do to you? I said Well He putted a lot of...

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