Chapter:10 Broken

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( 7 months later Spencer POV)
Stop! Pain please it's hurt So much already I said crying Nope Charlotte said We can't I'm afraid not Alex said Please.... I said Then Alex tases me. Owwwwwww That's hurts ahhh I said crying. You're boyfriend isn't going to save you so it's too late For you! Alex said Mom let Me Hit her Alexia said Of course sweetheart Alex said Then Alexia Hits me hard and fall down. Ah Stop please I said Archer put her in the hole and give her medicine now! Alex said On it Archer said Then He put a shot in me and I fell down and I was dragging to the hole and put in it and I was Blacking out...

(Toby POV)
Tanner we need to save Spencer! I said Why exactly Tanner said She my Fiancé Come on we need to I said Hmm You Seem To always Put her Before your job Tanner said We need to save her before something happens! I said Let me think about it how about no! Tanner said

(Toby POV) Tanner we need to save Spencer! I said Why exactly Tanner said She my Fiancé Come on we need to I said Hmm You Seem To always Put her Before your job Tanner said We need to save her before something happens! I said Let me think about it...

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I need her I'm going to save her either you like it or not I said Then I walked out of her room and I saw The guys outside. What is it?? I said we found something? Hanna said what I said This It's Spencer Bracelet from When She was little Noel said It has a address on it I said Really? Hanna said Yes I said It's for some old house Near Where you leave rosewood?? I said Me and Noel will Look Hanna said I have go by myself no one else is getting hurt I said Ok Hanna said Then I walked out to my Cop car and drove off the location.

(Spencer POV)
I woke up In a hospital bed. What is this?? I said Welcome to my hell hole Mrs Hastings Archer said No I said Then He Puts drugs in me. Ahhhhhhhh That hurts I said It's going to Archer said Then He Stabs me in the hand. That for Alexia and Alex!!! Archer said I didn't do anything to them! I said you ruined everything Archer said Then tears fell down from my face. Stop Crying You're so fake Archer said Let me go please... I said you get a free card to go to My mental Room for my Crazy people like you! Archer said No No No don't please I'm begging you I said Too Bad! Archer said Then he puts me in the room and someone was in there with me. Hi... Mona said Mona? I said They must be doing worst to you then me Mona said It's Okay I turned myself in to protect everyone... I said They are going to kill us... Mona said Toby will Find us I hope he will I said Archer Did something to you Mona said what? I said I think it's bad but you can survive hopefully Mona said I miss Toby I said I miss mike Mona said....

(Toby POV)
I got out of Police car and I saw someone at house so I got out my flashlight

(Toby POV)I got out of Police car and I saw someone at house so I got out my flashlight

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