Chapter 3

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Her vision started gaining focus. She opened her eyes and tried to recollect what had happened. Looking around Amelia felt confused.

Where on earth am I?

She thought as she tried to sit up. A pain suddenly took over her and she clutched her forehead with her hand. She felt something slimy on her fingers ignoring which she stood up and looked around.

It looks like my apartment... but still its different somehow. She thought.

The layout is the same, but the curtains are closed. Furniture is different.

She walked around holding onto anything available for support as she looked for a light switch. She needed better lighting for proper vision. Over the table a tiny lamp was lit that spread its yellow glow in the room.

Am I stuck in some alternate universe?

And then something caught her eye. It shook her to her core. A black hoodie was hung on one of the chairs near the kitchen counter.

Before she could take in the shock completely, she heard a sound. It was coming from the 'supposed bedroom'. When she saw a figure emerge out of the bedroom, one single thing popped into her head.


She dashed to the front door and turned the knob.

Nothing happened. She turned it again. But the door remained unfazed. She turned around and saw the man approach her now with speed and her heart raced.

Since the door didn't budge, she thought of her second plan.


She grabbed the first thing she could find near her. It was something long and weird shaped. In the dim lighting she couldn't figure out what it was but she hold onto it as if her life dependent on it, which it kind of did.

"Who are you and why have you kept me here?" she raised her weapon and screamed.


The man raised his hands protecting himself as he approached.

"Don't come any closer or I swear I'll hit you!" she waved her weapon at him.

His voice was heard in between trying to say something.

"That is-"

"NO! STAY RIGHT THERE!" Amelia screamed again.

Being tall and stronger he got hold of her weapon in one swift move and pulled it out of her hand. She immediately felt weak and scared and was completely clueless how to escape now.

"LET ME-" she screamed again as she turned the doorknob again which didn't open.

"Lady, will you please calm down!"

His loud but calm voice cut her off. He walked away and suddenly the lights came on.

"You want to leave? Leave. Just stop screaming," he said as he swiftly walked across the room to her. She placed a few steps back as he raised his hand and unlocked the latch on the top of the door.

So that was why it wasn't opening.

"Do you know how precious this is?" he asked keeping her weapon in its original location. Watching him place it with utmost care she noticed that the weird shaped weapon in her hand was an action figurine.

"Where am I? Where have you brought me?" she asked waiting to confirm all of her crazy theories.

He looked at her, annoyance in his eyes. He pulled open the door and asked, "Looks familiar?" She peered outside and gulped.

It was her corridor.

"Yeah," he said as she turned to look at him, "We are neighbours."

Not just neighbours. Nope. He lived right next door.

She blinked at him and felt blank.

So stupid Amelia. You are so stupid.

"You slipped and fell on the stairs. I didn't know your apartment, so I brought you here. Sorry for that, 'neighbour'," he said as he handed her, her bag.

She took it from him feeling down and guilty.

"I'm sorry I thought you were a stalker and tried to hit you with your toy-"

"Action figure," he suddenly interrupted her.

"What?" she blinked as if it was Hebrew that he spoke.

"It's not a toy. It's an action figure," he added.

"Right!" Amelia sided with him with a smile trying to mend things.

Ofcourse he'd know what it's called. It's his after all.

Her hand automatically went to her forehead when she felt a slight pain. She felt the slime again and realized it was ointment.

Great. She sighed at her stupidity.

"Come to the café sometime. This time I'll treat you!" she added with a fake smile.

He smirked at her offer, then acted like he was thinking for a while and said, "Okay. But this time I need something better than just black coffee."

"Ofcourse. Anything," she said and walked out the door. Sensing that he was standing at the door to close it, she turned around slowly and said, "By the way, I am Amelia."

When he stood still, not amused she added, "But you knew that."

He was standing at the door, leaning against the door sill with a very cute smile this time on his lips. He eyed her one last time before he said, "Hello Amelia-'but you knew that'," he chuckled and continued, "I am Jungkook."

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