Chapter 5

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"Good job Jungkook."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Keep working like this on your assignments and I'm sure you'll get your dream job."

"Sure sir!"

Jungkook walked away from his professor with a beaming face. This was his aim and he could see himself getting closer to it. His phone vibrated and he pulled it out. One look at the screen and he placed it back in his pocket.

Soon I'll get a job and move out of this god forsaken place.


"Any update on the old part-time job front?" he asked as soon as she walked in.

"No. Sorry."

Amelia shrugged her shoulders and replied with a smile as she made her way to the employee lockers. Jungkook had been hanging around the café for the past week. He had unapologetically asked them for a job. Upon finding there was none available, he requested them to let him know if they got to know of any.

Coming to the café had been etched into his routine. Amelia found it a little weird. But the cafe lady loved him, hence there was nothing she could do.

"Aww man," he said looking down and sighed.
And then, "Oh well," he immediately looked up at the cafe lady with a smile followed by a wink who in turn couldn't hide her blush. Amelia rolled her eyes as she continued walking. Placing her hand on the back of her neck she tilted it to the right and then back, feeling the pressure build up.

Yup. I'm tired. I need to rest.

"Excuse me!"

Cursing the person who cut short her break, she plastered on a fake smile and looked around.

"Can I have a coffee?" she saw Jungkook waving his hand at her with a wicked smile.

"I don't have time to play around Jungkook. I'm working," she said as her smile disappeared off her face.

"You can't treat a customer this way," he said crossing his arms across his chest. A little pout on his lips.

"You are not a customer!" she rolled her eyes at him and started walking away.

"Is this how you provide service?" he asked the beautiful woman standing at the counter.

"He just wants to waste my time. You know that," Amelia said to the café lady as she continued walking without as much as a second glance.

"Do not waste her time Jungkook. Stop playing around."

The cafe lady's words brought a smile on Amelia's lips. Just then Jungkook said, "But I'm paying for it."

"Give him coffee Aami. He is a customer."

Amelia stopped in her tracks. Her hands turned into fists as she screamed internally. Getting the coffee jug, she poured its content haphazardly in the newly placed coffee mug in front of him.

"There!" she said without hiding even a little bit of irritation. As she hurried to the back alley the cafe lady stopped her, "What was that? Why did you get angry at him?"

"I did not get angry at him!" she continued, "I just don't like him. Why do you not find him irritating?" she replied to the cafe lady.

"He is a sweet kid Aami. Plus, even if you are irritated by him, that doesn't give you any right to get angry."

"I am not angry. I'm just..." Amelia trailed off. She turned away from the cafe lady and walked towards the back alley.

Leaning against the dirty alley wall she took deep breaths.

'Calm down Aami. Calm down. Take deep breaths.'

I feel so frustrated. She thought.

I feel so... Arggh!!

Why do I have to be-

A sound blocked her trail of thoughts when the café back door suddenly swung open. She leaned away from the wall and stood upright only to see Jungkook walk out the door.

"Hey. I was just playing around," he said, concern evident in his tone.

"I know. I know," she said as she nodded her head.

"Are you okay?" he asked after a few seconds of silence. With a small smile she replied,


She wanted to be alone for a few more seconds. Feeling completely fine now she said, "Go on in. I'll come soon."

"Are you sure?" she looked up and saw his concern filled face.

"Yeah," she nodded profusely eager to send him away.


Jungkook mumbled as he placed slow steps backwards and disappeared through the door, back into the cafe.

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