Click. Snap. Tweet. Share. Like.
I guess that's now become the epitome of our life.
Teens averaging at 4 hours online day,
Makes me ask what's so special that cant keep us away?
The distorted depiction of what we should be,
That makes us starve ourselves daily until were plane hungry.
So much so that I sit here now questioning
when society will get its awakening
Because its taken me trips to a clinic, against my consent,
To allow me to comprehend the pain i underwent
Whilst comparison made me think that i was imperfect
Undeserved of the love, i was no longer worth it,
to my family, my friends, but more sickeningly
i wasn't worth any of those things from me.
So when a reflection stared out at me, that i didnt look like social media
when my stomach wasnt flat enough, when i wasnt size 0.
My things were closer than the girls on my screen
and when i didnt know why, becayse i was only fourteen.
And the people i had who seen i naively thought were perfect
made me forget that the line in my head of reality was never correct.
It was fading like my body and my waist and my thighs
I was finally size 0, but wait, this hasn't stopped the cries?
I realised that these influencers aren't perfect, nor do they think they are
perfection is a disease that has gone too far.
People around you are as insecure as you too,
they just don't choose to share that, but then again would you?
Because it was just then when i realised that those images weren't killing me,
It was the comparison in my head of what i felt i needed to be.
It wasn't them to fear it was far worse because it was me.
I didnt lose love from my family and friends.
I lost it from myself and that was so much harder to mend.
I was broken, fragile silently begging for help,
I needed to be saved, saved from myself.
I got the help but there are so many that don't,
because their mind has deluded what we see on our phones.
Stop comparing yourself to the best parts of others,
take time to love you, i promise it does wonders.
Yes, social media can be a challenging space,
But this life we live, it should no longer be a race,
A game of comparison, of figure, of beauty to chase
That makes you alter youre clothes, your face and your waste.
Because diseases are toxic don't let them invade you
Because unworthiness is a disease don't let it taint you
Because self-hatred and perfection, they will hate you
Because comparison is a thief don't let it be the fate for you
these things that don't exist should no longer be advantageous
love-yourself and don't let them become contagious.
Learn from me to love yourself more than a girl or man
Because unless you do i swear, you won't ever believe anyone else can.
Comparison: The Thief of Joy
PuisiA little something i came up with tonight. Its imperfect i know, but arent we all? Love yourself like mad because if you can't nobody else can. I admire you. I bow to you. I honour you. You are amazing. Keep going. Keep loving. Keep surviving.