I waited for Chris to catch up to me before I entered class. While I was waiting for him a new girl came into class with a schedule in her hand. The only available seat was next to me. This girl better not be a slick rick and come on to me. Chris runs to me with excitement in his face, "Did you see the bomb bitch ?". "Yeah she just walked into class". Our conversation is stopped from the teacher calling us in.
The new girl was already seated. She seems shy she won't do anything. I took my seat and a couple seconds after I feel her glare on me. It was intense, it reminded me when I was in the middle school play and all the eyes in the room were locked on me. I looked her way and she was staring at my crotch. She looks up at me,"Hey". I didn't respond and looked at my at my backpack and got my notebook out.
Fourty minutes into class she attempts to make a connection once again. She touched my bicep and asked "What's your name?". Her hand was oddly soft it sent a weird sensation through my body and caused me to flex. I look her way and she had a look of arousal. Her hand still remained on my flexed armed. "My name is Ethan and I got a girlfriend, bye". I felt that would have ended her attempts to get at me. She continued, "have you heard of a three way". The bell rung and she wondered off to her next class.
Chris walks up to me,"Anything happen". "She needs some action, I'll hook you up tomorrow". I don't have Chris for any other classes throughout the day, but I did have my girlfriend for the last two periods fifth and sixth. I'm concerned that this new girl will ruin what I got going right now. I just need to keep my distance.
I walk to my fifth period as fast as I can so I can sit down and wait for my girl to walk in, and admire her beauty. Her looks keep me going another day. She walks in and the teacher calls her,"Jocelyn can you stay outside for a bit, I need to talk to you". The teacher traces after her. They walk back in right before the the bell rings for class to start. A smile glistens from her face as she gets to her seat. Her glistening smile is overthrown by a melancholy expression when she is seated.
I see myself in the same order. Smiling every moment to be drowned by random triggers of overthinking and sadness. "It's a hard life" like the Queen song. When someone is hurt they always have to tough it out on their own. Since it's my girl I need to make her feel better so I can get some later.
After class I waited for her in hallway. When she walked out she didn't notice me and walked on. "Jocelyn!", she turns and I catch up to her. I run up behind her and catch her in a gentle bear hug. "What the fuck did she tell you?". "She fucking called my mom and told her about my grade in her class, that shit really bummed me out". "Lets go to the auditorium after sixth, and I'll cheer you up". I let her go from the bear hug. And put my arm around her. She looks up at me,"I would but my mom is going to pick me up right after school." "Shit, alright", I kiss her before we walk into class.
When I turn to look at my seat. The new girl is sitting right behind me. "Fuck!!" The whole class looks at me. I walk over to my seat and sit down. I look over towards my girlfriend and she is looking at me in confusion as if she is asking why did I say fuck. I shrugged and she looked away. A whisper comes from my right ear,"Hey pretty boy". A depressed tone as if I had lost a battle left my mouth,"fuck.....".