"This kid is lucky that semi could've done much worse." "Aye, lets not discuss what could've been. Deal with what has been done already. Make sure he goes straight to surgery."
"What happened?"
"Hey kid, you're alive. That is all that matters right now."
I wake from a eternity. Struggling to keep my eyes open. I could see my mother. She seemed very calm for my presence in a hospital. "Hey mom". She looks at me and comes closer to comfort me. "You were bleeding a lot. A piece of glass stabbed you. And when the truck driver pulled you out the glass came out to. And you started bleeding furiously."
"I don't even remember getting into an accident." A stunned look falls upon my mother's face. A knock comes from the door, my mother opens the door. "Can we speak to your son for a moment, just to get the full story." "Yeah sure". My mother leaves me with two cops. Both had their notes ready to take every word leaving my mouth and illustrate them.
"Hey buddy, what happened"? I was driving away from my school. "How fast were you driving"? I wasn't paying attention. "That doesn't matter anyway, why did you stop in the intersection"? Intersection? "Yes, the intersection" I didn't see an intersection. "Then why did you stop in the middle of the intersection"?
My heart bangs against my chest and I perfectly visualize the scene again. "There was a girl standing in the road." "Do you recognize the girl"? It was my newly pronounced ex. But she was still at school, there was no way she could've been anywhere near i was. "Were you on any drugs"? I know what it sounds like but no, I was just enraged and I know what i saw it was her standing there. Right in front of me. She said she "loved me".
The tears begin to run against my cheek. I knew she had hurt me. Were my feelings for her entangled in a thought that I did not have feelings for her. Was I too strung up on a flower that foretold my love for her. This flower was just a flower. I am the one who over thought it. I am destructive against myself. I am my own killer. I will lead my self slaughter.
The officers do not understand what is unraveling in my head. They stood there with much pity on me "Hope you get better kid". They left the room and begin chatting outside with my mother. I wipe my eyes so when my mom entered the room she wouldn't feel pity for me. After five minutes of chatter she comes in and tells me," They are going to take a drug test. If you come out positive they are going to place you in a rehabilitation program. If you come out negative they will put you in a program they offer at your school where you talk about your feelings and how your day was".
A nurse opens the door,"Okay Ethan we are going to get you up so you can take a urine test. The lab will examine it for any drugs. After that we will send you home. Okay"? I nod my head "Okay".