Chapter 10: First Fight

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A/N: SORRY I PAUSED THIS STORY FOR SUCH A LONG TIME. I've been writing a new story in @preciouslegend lately. Maybe you should check that out?

And thanks for all the readers. Not much, relatively but thank you guys so much.



*Still Harry's POV*

"What's up?" Niall asks me. We are walking down the dark, cold street together, heading to the nearest park there. 

"I want to keep this all as a secret." I answer. Niall frowns his forehead.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks, confusedly.

"All of this. I don't want Kay to know that we are famous. Thank God we're not - yet - that popular here in Indonesia." I explain to him.

We finally arrived at the park and we sit there. Niall looks at me, still confused.

"Why? Why do you want to keep this as a secret?" Niall asks further. I sigh.

"I don't want her to get hate. Death threads from the fans. I love her. I assume her as my little sister, and I don't want her heart to break just because she's my best friend. Get it?" I look at Niall's icy blue eyes. He nods.

"Completely understand." Niall wraps his hand around his body to warm himself. I have to admit myself that the weather is cold. 

"Niall, please don't get to close with Kay. I love her." I look into Niall's face. He looks at me.

"I won't. And tell her you love her." Niall smiles at me and I feel so relieved. I hug him and I always love his hug. He is a great hugger.

"Thanks, mate. We have to go back now. Bye, Nialler." I stand up and walk away from Niall. But I can feel that Niall is doing the same thing. 

I climb up Kay's house wall and go inside Kay's room. I close the window and everything feels so warm here. I walk into Kay's bed and I can see Kay is sleeping peacefully. I stroke her hair gently. But she suddenly wakes up.

"Oh, good morning Kay." I immediately get my fingers off of her head and Kay smiles at me.

"Good morning, Haz. You're awake already?" Kay sits on her bed.

"Yes. Yes I am. I didn't want to wake you up but-"

"It's okay. I'm awake now anyway." Kay chuckles a little.

"Oh well. Yes." I smile at her.

"Maybe I should go back to my room. If your mother saw us that we're in the same room, I'm grounded." I chuckle a little.

"We're both grounded. We're not kids anymore." Kay continues.

"Okay, so. Bye Kay." I wave at her. 

"Bye, Haz." Kay smiles at me while rubbing her eyes. She looks so cute.

I open her bedroom door and walk to my bedroom. Well, Kay's guest bedroom. I sit on my bed and think about what Niall said earlier.

"Tell her you love her."

To be honest, I can't stop thinking about that. Should I tell her that I love her? If I do, I know everything won't be good. I mean, I'm not sure if Kay loves me too or not. If I say that I love her while she doesn't, everything won't be as it was. Our relationship won't be as good as now.

Everything I live is great. I love being near to Kay, and I like to be open with her. I should keep our relationship as a best friend now rather than breaking it apart with love. 


I look at the wall-clock and it's 6am already. I can see the sky is brighten and the street is getting more crowded. I take a little shower and I feel really fresh.

Suddenly, I hear Kay's mom yelling from downstairs with the language I don't know. And then I hear Kay is yelling back with the same language. What's going on?

I walk out of the bedroom and I can see Kay looks very, neat. She's wearing a shirt with some sort of sign on the side, a grey long - over knee - skirt and a grey tie with a different sign there. She is also wearing a white socks and a black converse. And then she is holding a big purple backpack.

"What?" Kay asks me.

"Where are you going? Work?" I ask her, confused. Then she chuckles.

"No, I'm 17 and there's no way I am working. I'm going to school."

"School?" I gasp. "You're not having a holiday?" I continue.

"Not yet." She wraps the purple around her shoulder

"That looks heavy." I point to her bag. She smiles.

"It's Sunday, so this is nothing." She walks to the stairs, ready to go down.

"Bye, Haz. See you later." She waves at me. I look at her still confused. School? With that kind of uniform?

I follow her downstairs and she's there, having a breakfast. I look at the wall clock and it is 06.15. How the hell is she going to her school this morning? And why the hell does her school start this early? 

"Hey, Haz. Breakfast?" She smiles at me. I nod. I sit in front of her in the dining room and I make my own sandwich. I look at her eating her sandwich in hurry.

"You better eat that slowly or you'll get choked." I warn her.

"Well I am late." She answers. Late?

"Late? It is 06.15 and-"

"WHAT?! 06.15?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD." She puts her sandwich on her plate and begins to drink her milk so fast. Then she runs to her front door. I follow her running and yell.

"Kay! Calm down, what's happening?" I ask her and at the same time I remember Zayn's 'Vas Sapnin'.

"I am late! 15 minutes before school. I am in trouble!" Kay looks panicked and I don't have any idea at how to help her.

"Can you ride a motorcycle?" She suddenly continues.

"Well, I can-" 

"Great! Here's the key. Drive me to school?" She pulls my hand outside and I see Kay's motorcycle. Well I'm not sure if it's hers or her fathers.

"I don't know where the hell is your school. When does your school start anyway?" I ask her.

"SIX THIRTY!" She yells in front of me. It is so loud and it hurts a lot. My temper raises.

"Kay! Don't scream like that! You know I hate it!" I yell back at her in anger. I rub my ears with my both hands. Kay looks angry and sad at the same time.

"That's it. I'm going there my self. You just wasted my time." Kay walks away and then my temper decreases quickly. My eyes widened at what just happened.

God, am I bipolar?


(To be continued)

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