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"I already said I would." My mom answered confused.

"I meant," Emma lowered her voice. "He just hasn't been himself lately..."

My mom said something and she sounded quite annoyed and the two exchanged a few more words before she let my mom go.

I glanced back at Peter and when was already lying on the bed trying to get some sleep.

I sighed and just listened to the others conversing with one another.


"So where are you taking me?" Henry asked once Regina finished talking to Emma.

"Someplace where the shadow can't get to." She smiled at him. "A place where I keep my magic."

Regina led Henry through the town and into the graveyard.

Avoiding the graves as the put one foot after the other, they eventually stopped in front of a mausoleum.

It basically looked a a house for dead people

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It basically looked a a house for dead people...hehe...House of the Dead.

Anyway, the two entered and Regina pushed aside her father's casket, revealing a small staircase leading underground.

Regina and Henry went down and the boy took a minute to take in his surroundings. Wooden chests and crates were all over the floor, along with some old and slightly torn scrolls of paper.

There were a bunch of small compartments neatly lined up on the walls and placed within them were a variety of bottles each with a unique kind of liquid, gas, or specimen inside.

Lit candles were in some of the compartments and atop some chests, most of them looking close to dying out as they have probably been melting there for who knows how long.

"Promise you won't touch anything?" Regina asked as she trudged towards one of the chairs.

"I promise."


Emma decided that we all head to Mr. Gold's shop to check on Piper.

"We're just going to leave him here?" David refered to Peter a little uneasy.

Who was already fast asleep.

"He would do no harm, seeing that he has the cuff on." I reassured him.

Soon we were all set and ready to go. I was the last to leave and took one last look at Peter's sleeping figure, I sighed then closed the door behind me.

We rushed to Mr. Gold's shop just as he flipped over the open sign to closed. Mr. Gold and Belle were about to leave when we caught up with them.

"Whatever problem it is you're dealing with, I'm done for the day." He told us and was about to turn and leave.

"We need Pandora's Box." Emma snapped.

This was obviously a no-joking matter.

"We need you to open it." David added.

"And let Piper out, what are you, insane?" Mr. Gold looks at him like he just lost his marbles.

"About to be if you don't give us that box!" I huffed.

"I can't let her out. She would kill us all with her magic." Mr. Gold glared at me.

"But what if she didn't have magic..." Emma's voice slowly faded into the wind as she thought.

"What exactly are you proposing?" Mr. Gold asked, suddenly interested.


"This?" I asked slightly taken aback. "Crossing over the town line. This, is your plan?"

We were all crammed up inside a truck on our way to the town line with David on the wheel.

"Better than no plan." Emma replied. "Besides, there's no magic there on the other side, anyway. She wouldn't be able to do us any harm."

The truck's tires soon screeched to a halt and we all filled out and onto the empty street.

Mr. Gold was wearing a yellow satin scarf which I personally found quite odd.

"We cross the town line, release Piper who's totally powerless, shoot her, she dies. Simple as that." Mr. Gold said as we slowly approached the town line as a group.

He was about to cross when Emma stopped him. She insisted that she be the one to cross.

"She's my father's sister. It's a family matter." Mr. Gold argued. "And I can cross that line without losing my memories."

"It's not just that." Emma insisted. "I'm the Savior. I need to be the one to do it."

She pulled out her gun and crossed the town line. I watched as Mr. Gold reluctantly opened the box and placed it on the ground in front of Emma.

The familiar red smoke oozed out of the box and Belle was starting to grip my hand tightly.

The smoke faded and it was quite awkward to see Piper curled up in a ball on the ground.

She must've come to her senses because she immediately stood up and brushed herself off. Her back facing all of us-inclusing Emma-she took in her new surroundings.

Then Piper saw me.

"(Y/N)?" She said in recognition and in a bit of confusion. I felt a chill run down my spine.

Piper looked at Emma, who was already pointing a gun at her, ready to shoot if Piper tried anything.


Hello! Sorry for taking soooo long to update. Hope y'all like this chapter!

Love you!!


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