Demon or No Demon

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I sat on one of the benches by a flower shop and put my head in my hands. Why would he just leave all of a sudden? Without a trace? And more importantly, where?

I looked back up and towards the clock tower above the public library, which wasn't that far from where I was sitting. I brushed off a tear that I didn't realize was running down my cheek.

I was sitting there, just looking at the clock for a good fifteen minutes when something caught my eye. 

There was a small group of people walking towards the clock tower in a big hurry, then suddenly stopped.

"It's me< I'm here, It worked!" I heard Henry shouting happily as a small figure burst through the library doors and into the group of people.

I was about to stand up and greet him, but I sat back down.

I sensed something, even if I wasn't some kind of mutant.

Something wasn't right.

I saw my mom in the group, she took something from Henry's hand. I knew immediately that it was curse. Then the small scroll emitted a bright purple light and my mom collapsed to the hard, stone ground.

"Mom!" I cried out, louder than I intended to, but soft enough for them not to hear.

I gripped the cold, metal armrest, so tight my knuckles were turning white. I wanted to stand up so badly, but I knew staying in this position would be the best option for now.

After a couple of minutes, my mom recovered soon enough and was back on her feet. I slowly stood up and moved to a bench closer to them.

"You're going to be okay." I heard my mom tell Henry.

"No he won't." I heard that familiar British accent announce.


"Wait, he's got the―" Hook began but was cut off mid-sentence when Peter used his magic and froze them all in their place.

"Curse!" He happily finished for the captain.

No, this can't be Peter. He'd never do this. It's got to be Piper and her annoying shape-shifting powers...

But the way he walked around the group, eyeing them like they're his next meal. It was Peter.

"I could just play you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I?" He chuckled darkly.

What in the world was wrong with him?

I stood up and walked towards him from behind.

"You," Peter said towards Neal. "I'll kill you first."

"Peter, stop!" I cried and grabbed his right arm, turning him to face me.

I almost jumped at the sight of him. Peter's eyes were so dark, the white in his eyes were barley noticeable anymore, and they were emitting a slight blood red glow.

"P-Peter..." I mumbled, suddenly scared.

He looked so emotionless, and evil. Like he wasn't himself at all anymore.

"What...are you doing...?" I asked him quietly.

"Finishing what I started and claiming what I deserve." Peter replied sternly.

"This....this town?" I gulped. "Doing this, makes you happy?"

"You're judging my happiness?" He snapped. "Well, guess what, you're not taking this happiness away from me this time!"

"I'm not!"

"Then leave, because I've got a new Neverland to run and you're just standing in my way." Peter said harshly.

"Peter, please...stop this." I pleaded. "This isn't you, this isn't right!"

"Like what you did to me was!" He snarled.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused.

"You made me think someone could love me again!" He shouted. "You liar! I thought you loved me. I thought I loved you. I have never felt so wrong."

Peter's words took me like a knife. Tears stung my eyes, I had to blink a couple times to keep them from spilling out.

I bravely took a step towards him.

"Peter, I'm...sorry."

"Well, I'm not."

"Peter...I still love you." I pressed my forehead against his and looked deep into his dark eyes. So dark I couldn't even see the slightest hint of green in them. The green that I loved so much. The green that made my Peter look so childish.

"You're only saying that because you don't want them to die." He said, his voice quavering. "Face it, you never cared about me. It's always them, them, them."

"No, that's not true. I'm saying it because I mean it." I held both of his cold, clenched hands in mine, aware that his right hand was holding the curse.

"I don't love you." Peter told me, trying to keep his voice stern.

"You don' me?" I pressed my body against his. "Or you just can't accept it anymore?"

Peter didn't answer and bit his lower lip. 

I leaned in and closed the gap between us. He didn't react and remained unmoving, but slowly he released his lower lip and kissed back. 

Peter's clenched fists slowly opened, dropping the scroll into my hand as he wrapped his fingers around my hand.

He moved his hand up to my cheek, our lips moving in sync. I pulled away, out of breath.

He opened his eyes and I could see the familiar green that I missed so much coming back to them. The mysterious red aura disappeared and I could see fresh tears building up in his eyes.

The spell holding my mom and the others in place was magically undone and my mom pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you very much." She told me. 

"I love you too, mom." 

My mom let go off me and I faced Peter again, tears already streaming down his face, non-stop.

"Love, I'm...I'm sorry." He stammered. "This...demon inside me isn't dead yet."

"No, I'm sorry." I told him. "I'm sorry I made you feel so unloved. I love you, demon or no demon. Promise me you won't ever do that again...okay?"

"I promise." Peter smiled.

"Pretty, pretty words." someone from behind me snarled.

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