It's Here!

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We all turned towards the voice.


"I just have to do everything myself, now don't I?" She said angrily.

Piper flicked her hand and suddenly, the magic cuff magically appeared on my mom, Emma, Peter, and my wrists.

"There," she said. "One for each of you."

Peter put me behind him protectively in case Piper tried to do anything.

"I thought manipulating my brother was enough to do my biding." She explained in annoyance. "But then, love still is the most powerful magic of all."

"What do you want?" Peter demanded.

"Oh please, what I want does not have anything to do with you." She snarled. "What I want is so much better. So don't bother."

"Leave them out of this." A new voice spoke.

It was Mr. Gold.

"Oh look, the worm has teeth." Piper laughed at him. "What, you're here to pwotect (protect) your woved (loved) ones?"

"I'm here to do what I should have done long ago—" Mr. Gold explained.

"But was too much if a coward to do it." Piper butted in.

"However, now, I'm ready to face it." He corrected her.

"Bae, I created the curse to find you." Mr. Gold turned to face Neal. "And now that I have found you, we must part ways once again. I love you, Bae."

Piper rolled her eyes at the Dark One as he faced Belle.

"Belle, I love you." Mr. Gold told her, tears building in his eyes.

Piper laughed at how pathetic he sounded.

"Still, no magic." She reminded him.

"Oh, I don't need magic." Mr. Gold said unamused. "You see, you may have left your shadow trapped in a coconut back in Neverland, but I sent mine with a little something to hide..."

He lifted his hand up, Hugh in the air, and his shadow came flying down from who knows where with the Dark One's Dagger in hand.

Mr. Gold took it and suddeny pressed himself against Piper's body. She began to thrash around and scream.

"What are you—argh!—doing?" She yelled. "Argh! Let go of me!"

Mr. Gold seem to just have tightened his grip around her as he began to explain that in order for her to die, he must die with her.

Piper kept screaming and struggling to escape her nephew's grasp.

We watched in horror as the Dark One plunged the dagger straight through Piper's back and into his heart.

A bright light emitted from both of their bodies, and if you looked closely, you could almost see Piper's body disintegrating as she screamed in agony, my eardrums could've broken 7 times.

When the light faded, they were both gone.


The cuffs magically disappeared from our hands as Belle fell onto the cold, hard, stone ground, crying her eyes out.

Peter enclosed me in a tight hug and I soon felt his tears falling into my hair as his soft and quiet sobs reached my ears.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and began moving my hands up and down his back, soothing him as he tried to stop himself from crying.

Sure, he disliked his sister, but they were still related and have been a team for most of the time.

She was the only one he had...and no one could ever make him feel like a brother more than she did.

"The curse, it's here!" I heard Grumpy announce in fright as he ran towards us. "It's here, coming from all directions."

Peter was still crying as my mom explained what she needed to do to stop the curse.

She had to say goodbye to the thing she loved most.

I looked down at the ground, I was a little disappointed in myself because I knew Henry was always her favorite.

But then, not that disappointed, she has been with him longer than me, do it pretty much made sense.

As I result, I just kept quiet and hugged Peter tighter.

"So where is this curse taking us now?" Mary Margaret asked, confused.

"Back to the Enchanted Forest," my mom looked down at the scroll in her hands. "Back to our old lives."

"So what's going to happen to Storybrooke?" I asked.

"It will be as if it never existed. It will be we if we never left the Enchanted Forest." My mom replied.

"Then...." I looked to Henry.

My mom seemed to have understood what I meant.

"Henry will stay because he was born here."

"That's not fair! Henry's going to be all alone!" I protested.

"Emma, will stay." And my mom took a step closer to me (still hugging Peter's figure). "And you will stay with them."

"What, no!" I said surprised. "I was born in the Enchanted Forest, I'm a storybook charcter. I have to go with you!"

"You can't. Otherwise, this won't work." She explained. "(Y/N), I love both you and Henry equally."

I gave in. "But Emma—"

"She's the Savior. She can stay." My mom took in a sharp breath, trying to hold back tears. "We should get to the town line now, we're running out of time."

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