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What's a normal life? I thought I had a normal life but it turns out everything was not as it seems. I had a wonderful mother and father, a somewhat normal older sister who's a bit of a neat freak but that's what most older sisters are like right? We have a small little rescue dog called frank and a tomcat called Tom ironic I know.

But it all changed in a matter of days. I found out my mother wasn't actually my mum, my sister wasn't actually my sister and that my biological mum wanted me back after dumping me of my dads doorstep claiming I'm his. Turns out she married a man with a tun of money and literally payed my father to send me to live with her. Dad married Sally when I was only 8 months old an Kat was 3 that's why she's always been known to me as mum.

Only problem is she lives 300 miles away from home and is expecting me to be on her doorstep within a week. When did life get so wrong? I can't even look my dad in the eyes without wanting to punch him. My mum well I mean sally couldn't careless just as long as she gets her stupid expensive bag at the end of the month. Kat my 'sister' claimed she already knew about Sally not being my 'mum' hence the reason she's always nice in a horrible way?

So my current situation is packing my bags whilst stuffing my face with Doritos and hysterically crying. My best friend Leah was coming over to help me pack but I quote ' I can't make it today M Justin's uncles cat isn't well'. Justin is her boyfriend, I don't particularly like him but what can I do? I have 3 days untill departure and my only friend is babysitting a sick cat.

Iv always been a quiet kind of person never really had a massive amount of friends I tend to just find one an make do with that person, although I probably wouldn't take my own advice again considering iv been blown out for a cat. Maybe a move will do me some good? I'm 17 after all and haven't really experienced many teenage things like party's and underage drinking. Hopefully my new mum isn't a bitch and restricts me to home by 8pm like dad does.

Well I'm down to the last of my belongings, the truck is picking everything up in the morning so it's all in my new room by the time I arrive on Wednesday. I don't think it's actually hit me yet, Im moving in with two complete strangers I know nothing about. Dad said she's a bit on the wild side hence the reason she abandoned me, lovely I know. But what's the worst that could happen?

I'm not hungry which is very unlike me considering I could eat for the whole nation. Iv literally survived on Doritos the last 3 days. My favourite food has got to be chicken wings! But the thought turns my stomach dam you nerves. I'm so anxious for the near future, What's my life going to be like away from the people iv spent my whole life with? But money talks so I guess il be the one to find out.

New parents.
New house.
New school.
New life.
New friends.

My grades aren't very good as it is so something like this would probably send me of the edge. Iv never had to change schools before Apart from primary to secondary, I'm in year 10 going into year 11 in less the 5 months and I'm changing schools!

It's 11:03 pm and it's my last day of school tomorrow so I should probably get some rest. I'm not even bothering to say goodnight to anyone, as far as I'm concerned there dead to me! Sending me of to live with randoms just for a bit of cash. Jokers.

Night bedroom and all my packed belongings.

My last thoughts before drifting of into a uncomfortable sleep is what this time next week is going to be like. I guess only time will tell.

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