Oh honey

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Omg that's her! She sounds young very young.

"Er Ap—mum?"

"MARIE IS THAT YOU!" She shouts down the phone. Well duh it's me Idiot! I roll my eyes and catch a glimpse of the confusion on Karen's face. If only you knew Karen if only you knew.

And before I had a chance to reply she starts again.

"Where are you we've been waiting for 3hours now" she's trying to sound concerned lol.

"Welll I was dropped of and waited over two hours and nobody seemed to be in?" This is harder than I thought but seriously what was I expecting I don't know this lady.

And before she goes again I interrupt her. Hmmm.

"And please cut the crap! don't act like you care all of a sudden" I heard her gasp. Great start to this trip I couldn't keep my trap shut as per usual.

"Il text Karen the door number. The pin to the gate is 4321 see you soon Maria" she says quickly.

"My name is Marie" but at this point the calls gone dead. She cut the phone on me, bitch.

I literally stand there staring at the phone gobsmacked the audacity. I'm bound to be a bit pissed of I'm being reunited with my darling mother after 17 years without her so she could resume her life of whoring about and partying!

Karen grabs my attention by coughing. Luke is drawing on some old letters not really paying much attention to what's going on around him.

"Well that was interesting" Karen said trying to break the tension in the room.

" Sorry I do apologise as you can probably tell I don't have the best relationship with April" I giggle at the end trying to sound as casuals possible.

"No worries sweet" she laughs it of. I really like this lady she's so chilled.

"Do you know where the nearest hotel is? I'm not going home tonight" I ask politely.

"Nonsense you can stay here tonight, you can sleep in my other sons bed he isn't home until tomorrow" she says whilst poring herself out a glass on pink gin and lemonade.

"Thank you! I'm so great full il be gone in the morning" I say embracing her into a hug.

"No worries sweet" she hugs me back and then passes me a glass of what she's just made.

I guess my Fake I.D won't be needed tonight.

It's almost 11pm and after several drinks I have officially shared my life story with her and we're both laying on the trampoline outside watching for shooting stars.

"It's getting quite late. I think I might head of up to bed" I give Karen a quick glance and she's yawning, yup bed time me thinks.

"Yeah it's quite late" I say yawning back. "thank you for letting me stay your amazing" I thank her and we both jump of the trampoline.

I never realised I was this smashed until I had nothing to hold onto, Iv fallen twice since getting off that damm trampoline.

Karen guides me to the room I'm staying in I can't wait to get out these clothes and sleep my problems away.

The room is surprisingly tidy! Beds made and that's all that really matters to me right now.

I collapse on the bed like a star fish and quickly realise I need to pee. Luckily he has an ensuite so I can get undressed in there.

I'm finally in bed beneath the covers, oh this bed is so comfortable I could seriously get used to this. The sheets smell like cologne the breathtaking type hmmm.

And whilst dreaming about the smell and warmth of this bed I drop of into a peaceful sleep.


Smash. Crash. Bang.

What the fuck?

I can hear footsteps on the landing heading straight to the door. Luckily it's locked and whoever it is sounds to heavy handed to be Karen.

I jump out the bed completely forgetting I'm still drunk and add to the mixture of crash and Bangs, I'm falling straight into the cold hard floor whilst what seems like being attacked by the duvet.

So I'm now tangled in the covers semi Naked on the floor in the pitch black looking like something that resembles a sausage roll. My life.

The footstep stops directly in front of the door. I'm to fucked to even stand up right now. So thank the lord for that lock. Karen said if I want anything that resembles a lay in lock it because Luke will come in a jump all over me.

I hear a rustling noise. Wait that's a key.

So then the door flys open and in falls in a intoxicated teenager with a body to die for. Did I just think that?

We both stare at each other not really sure what's going on. In the end we both burst out laughing thinking how fucked this situation is.

" I know this is funny but who are you and why was you in my bed?" He grins. I roll my eyes.

"Help me up and il explain everything" I say as confidently as possible.

He pulls me up with ease. Dam boy.

I staggered back onto the bed. Putting my top back on but ignoring my jeans, it's just like wearing a bikini.

He respects me by keeping his eyes to himself.

"I'm Marie" I offer my hand a he quickly returns the gesture.

"Im Elijah" he smiles

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