Oh hey

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This night has literally gone from a 4 to a solid 10! I know we only met last night but it's somewhat comforting seeing a familiar face.

"Elijah what a pleasant surprise" I grin at him.

This could go either two ways he could completely change around his friends or he will be as welcoming as last night.

"So turns out your April's daughter then?" He speaks but there's something quite awkward about this conversation.

I nod avoiding eye contact and thankfully Jace walks in interrupting whatever we had going on just now.

"Ah Marie this is Elijah and Elijah this is Marie" Jace introduces us together obviously completely oblivious to the fact we've already met.

And before I had a chance to say anything Elijah beats me to it.

"We've already met actually" Jace raises his eyebrows waiting for an explanation. So Elijah gives it to him. "She's the girl from last night" Elijah smirks.

I blush turning 7 shades of red. It actually sounds much worse than what it is.

And then comes dead silence. At this point I'm shuffling on my feet hoping I'm somewhat swallowed by the ground.

"Wait so she was the girl that just so happened to end up in your bed" Jace scrunches his face up.

"Well it wasn't like that I was in his bed before he was in it and then we was on the floor and in the end we shared a mutual experience drinking until we pass out" I splutter out.

I actually think iv made this situation worse.

Jace just nodded finally realising he's probably better of keeping quite.

"So anyone up for a game of strip poker" Elijah laughs.

Me, Jace and Elijah was dead silent for about 20 seconds until we all burst out laughing.

"You know if it was anyone else I would be so down for it but Marie is practically my sister now so she's of limits for strip poker but how about beer pong" Jace awkwardly puts out. I recon he thinks Elijah was being serious.

"Relax J I was only joking but beer pong sounds good to me. What you thinking sunshine" Elijah says give my shoulder a nudge. This particular contact alone caught Jace's attention but he quickly dismissed it.

I give an awkward laugh. " yup sounds like a plan." I nod agreeing looking directly at Elijah and then to Jace.

"Well we've got to wait for Tj to get here and then we're all set." Jace mutters.

"Elijah let's go and get the beer table ready and the shot glasses out." Jace taps Elijah signalling for him to follow behind. He then stops and says. "Marie you get the ice and fill up the ice bucket" he's points to the freezer and then to the bucket.

"Eye eye captain" I salute him.

I wonder why Jace would react that way towards Elijah, it makes me wonder what sort of person I spent the night with last night. I don't think Jace has the right to pull the she's my 'sister' card we literally met today. Besides I'm almost 18 I can make my own decisions.

I continue putting the ice in the bucket when I'm literally tackled to the floor by Well I'm not entirely sure who.

I slap him in his face trying to pry him of me.

"Jace!! You have a intruder! She's stealing your dads ice bucket quickly call the cops! I have her restrained." This prick shouted.

"I'm not a fucking intruder! Now get the fuck of me!" I scream at him.

I can hear the boys bolting it down the stairs surly taking two steps a time because they was down within 5 seconds.

"Tj get the fuck of her you idiot" Elijah shouts at him.

Jace runs around the kitchen island and pounces on him. Finally dragging him of me and onto the floor.

I couldn't help Myself, so call it self defence or whatever but once I was face to face with this prick I punched him straight in the jaw.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I say my hand covering my mouth in shock.

"No I deserved that, it's just that Jace never lets girls come here so I just assumed you was either a creepy stalker or a thief. " he reasoned rubbing his face where I punched him.

"Tj what the fuck was you thinking trying to play hero" Elijah spoke.

"I don't blame him for doing it, he was only looking out for you guys so let's just forget this and go get hammered. Please" I raised my voice so everyone understand that it's just going to drag out if we carry on arguing.

"Fine, let the games begin" Jace smirked.

We all followed behind while he showed us to the drinking games.

We started the night of with a round of shots. I could drink these boys under the table, I might not have a lot of experience with drinking at party's but I have enough to know I have a high alcohol tolerance.

The burn is so satisfying, I'm literally begging for more. And more she shall have..

"Wow slow down princess, I don't want to be holding your hair back whilst you vomit your guts up" smirks Elijah.

"Let's play beer pong" Tj suggests. We all nod! Let's do this whoop!

"Right me and Tj in a team and you and Elijah in the other" Jace decides.

Within half hour in me and Elijah are in heaps on the floor laughing like 8year olds because I accidentally slipped on my spilled drink.

We was totally winning and Jace and Tj totally had loser faces on.

We made a victory dance and literally danced in there faces.

"We are the champions my friends and we'll keep on fighting till thee end" we sang at the top of our lungs.

I recon they had enough of our drunkness because within 15 minutes of us on the floor covered in beer they left us to it to go swimming in the pool. Seriously who goes swimming at this time.

"Elijah " I whispered.

"Yes Marie" he whispered back looking into my eyes.

"I think I'm going to be sick" ....

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