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It was amazing. But without a doubt it was a huge mistake. We hardly know each other, of course I know what he's like when he's around his friends and family but what is he like in school. Heck he might even have a girlfriend.

"Elijah" I whisper. Our foreheads touching as he both breathed hungrily.

He put his finger tips to my lips hushing me.

"Shh sunshine" he paused. "I already know".

This brought us back to reality, we pulled ourselves away from each other the water rippled in every direction just enhancing how long we was in one spot. I can't help but feel the full ache in my chest, maybe it's because I miss my father who knows.

We both went our separate ways.. literally. He went home even though he was staying the night here.

I hope Jace doesn't suspect anything because I seriously can't be bothered with answering questions I don't think I know the full answers to.

Hey we could just blame it on the alcohol.

I tip toed up into my room. Its nothing special, everything is mutual in here, it needs a girly touch.

I change into a vest top and shorts. Ignoring my wet tangled hair, il have a shower in the morning.

Laying within the sheets of my actual comfortable bed my mind wonders elsewhere.

He has very soft lips.

And beautiful eyes.

But he's far to good for me. And that was my last thought before falling into a meaningless dream.


I woke up at 1pm! I have wasted a whole day basically sleeping. But somehow I feel content.

I can hear the boys down stairs bashing about in the kitchen.

I swing my legs of the bed landing on both my feet. I feel a little hangover I guess I'm lucky sleeping the majority of it of.

I take a warm shower, Completely unwinding from all my stress and the bullshit I have faced these last few days.

I put on a pair of high waisted jeans and a plain white vest top.

I can't help but feel it's going to be awkward between me and Elijah now, I really hope we can both be comfortable around each other.

My thoughts are interrupted but my phone ringing.

It's my "dad" I answer.

" What do you want" I try and sound as emotionless as possible but it didn't quite work out that well.

"Marie" my dad says "how are you settling in?" I can tell he isn't in the slightest bit interested in talking to me.

"Well as good as it could possibly get" I sigh. " I actually feel welcome here it's a huge upgrade from that house" I quickly add.

"That's not fair is it?" He pauses "we treated you like a princess, you should be grateful to you mother and Your sister for welcoming you even though you wasn't there's to be welcomed".

Is this bastard serious?

"Are you fucking serious! I was never welcome in that house! " I Raised my voice. "I was treated like a door mat! And don't ever call them anything more than bitches because that's all they are" I scream at him.

"Well your just an ungrateful brat, don't get to cosy with that boy in your photo if he has any brains he would stay far far away from you and your toxic personality" he shouts back.

I don't no how to react, I'm hurting like hell but I'm trying to keep my shit together.

And before I even got a chance to say something back he continues.

"I was just calling you to let you know Franks dead. I don't really want to waist my time ringing you but your sister wanted to know your reaction" he laughs.

My heart drops. I coldly reply tears running down my face.

"What do you mean he's dead! What happened" I try keep as calm as possible.

"Well funny story that but he chewed up one of your sisters gardening shoes so she put him out the front and forgot about him until this morning when she was leaving to get her nails done and she accidentally ran him over" he says with not even a ounce of regret in his voice.

"Fuck you. I'm coming to get Tom" and I hang up on him.

I seriously can't believe the one person who I thought actually gave a shit about me back at that house was such a huge fuckery!

I stomp down stairs walking straight pass my mum.

"Marie is everything okay ?" She ask softly.

"No I need a car now" I demand with begging eyes.

"Let me make a phone call" she nods.

I make my way towards the kitchen where I can hear The boys bashing about still.

There trying to make my cookies! But by the looks are failing majorly.

When Jace sees me he can tell there something not quite right he says.

"Are you hungover or upset because I can't quite put my finger on it." He grins.

"Well everything is peachy. My darling father just rang to inform me my loving sister had just run over my dog" I say matching his face.

I must look like a crazy person right now but I ever mask it or cry like a bitch and gosh if I cry the whole house will no about it.

"Oh shit are you okay? Here have a cookie it will help calm you down" I replied handing me the plate to take a cookie.

I take 3 and shovel them into my gob not caring what anyone thinks of my eating habits.

"Hay you should take it easy eating those." Jace eyes me cautiously.

"I recon I could do with a few extra pounds" I say ignoring the fact I think he's just told me I look somewhat fat?

"Well it's not about that." He gulps "they have weed in" he grins.

"Oh shit seriously" I burst out laughing "and there's me thinking you was basically calling me fat" I laughed with tears running down my face.

April comes into the kitchen signalling for me to follow and I do so.

"I spoke to Elijah's mother who would be happy to lend you her car." She whispers so nobody can hear.

" that's wonderful however I can't drive" I say biting my lip.

And with that the door bell dings.

I open the door to a happy looking Elijah swinging keys around on his finger.

"Hey sunshine"he greets me. " where are we going today?" He says chucking me the keys.

A grin spreads across my face.

"On a road trip".

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