We are

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I could feel my mouth turning watery. The dizziness and the unsettled stomach always pointed to the most dreadful thing. I am going to be sick.

Now that I'm aware I'm going to be sick you'd probably think it prepare myself but silly little Marie is stupid especially whilst under the influence. Luckily enough I have my main man Elijah here to help me to the bathroom.

So I'm now sat in front of the toilet while buddy boy here holds my hair away from my face.

"Nah I recon it's passed now" I manage to say a sentence.

Elijah slides down the wall sitting down next to
Me he looks wasted. I recon we're going to be declared drinking buddies, second night of knowing each other and we're both wasted.... again.

This isn't so bad actually, mums quite alright but my arsehole father hasn't even sent me a text to ask if I'm okay. But spoilt brat bitch Kat was nice enough to send me a photo of them chucking out my entire room. What a bunch of twats.

"You know what fuck my dad he's such prick" I say angrily. "Who the fuck does he think he is, he basically fucking sold me".

"Hmm" Elijah mutters. He's literally paralytic and is clearly struggling to make sentences.

"Let's make her jealous, where's your phone" Elijah mastered whilst patting me down looking for my phone.

"Here it is" I pass it to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"What's her name saved as?"

"Bitch face" I mutter closing my eyes feeling unbelievably tired all of a sudden.

He scrolls through my phone searching for the camera, finally finding it he shakes me awake before asking for me to get into the picture.

I actually don't look that bad considering my hairs in all different directions and we've been rolling around in beer.

"What makes her jealous?" He askes.

"Well literally nothing, she has everything she wants and more. The only thing that would make her sour would be me getting attention from my dad or her friends" Well we tried but this is useless.

"Fine, how about we just show them what their missing and how happy you finally are." He suggested.

But those words brought me back to reality, am I actually happy now? I'm literally in a house full of strangers and the only thing that seems to take away the ache is alcohol which isn't a good source of comfort. I mean Elijah has made this a tonne easier for me so I'm extremely grateful to him but he isn't always here.

"Yeah let's show um" I agreed.

We both posed for the camera, Elijahs face was priceless so I couldn't help but burst out laughing at him.

We captioned the photos as 'Finally home 🏠'

Not long after we both passed out slumped over each other on the bathroom floor.

But not before thinking that I hope this boy stays in my life forever.


"Marie wake up" Elijah gently shook me awake.

"What mann I was well enjoying that sleep" I hushed him.

"It's 3am we need to go to bed. Jace and Tj are both asleep on the sun beds so we should go wake them up, or your mum is going to flip out" he spoke.

A genius idea popped into my head and a devilish smile took over my face.

"Marie what's that look for? What are you thinking" he looked at me confused.

"Let's push them into the pool, that would surely wake them up" I winked at him.

"Let's do it" he laughed nodding.

He helped pull me to my feet, I still feel a bit fucked. Alcohol isn't my friend.

We creeped down the stairs so we don't wake 'mum' and Dave up.

"There literally out for the count. This is going to be so easy" I whispered to Elijah.

Tj is our first victim, ha serves him right for earlier.

We pull the subbed to the edge of the pool hoping not to wake Jace up in the process.

"Right on the count of 3 we dump him in" Elijah said.

We're both grinning like two children in a toy store. This is quality, I have never had so much fun in my life.

I nod to Elijah. And we both count in sync.

"1 ,2 ,3 Pushh!!"

Tjs face is absolutely priceless. He looks like a deer in the headlights, so completely unaware of what's going on.

"What the fuck guys!" Tj screamed.

Me and Elijah are a complete mess on the floor. We couldn't contain our laughter and unfortunately we couldn't contain the amount of noise we made tipping Tj in the pool. So mr Jace got sweet revenge on us by pushing us both in.

We both hit the water with a slap but neither of us was prepared for the coldness. It was like a thousand tiny needles pricked all over your skin.

Jace helped Tj out the pool. Tj slightly staggering around trying to get his balance.

"You both deserve that. Now freeze young Jedis" Jace put of a voice from Star Wars. Then turning toward the house with Tj walking in leaving me and Elijah alone...

"Yeah freeze young dickheads" Tj muttered from inside.

He just splashed me. So we had a full blown splash fight which really didn't matter considering we're already soaked.

" I'm so going to beat your arse sunshine" Elijah laughed dunking me under the water.

"You dick, you could have drowned me" I laughed at him.

"I'd never do that to you sunshine" he meant Sincerely. Staring into my eyes and me staring into his, this cold water suddenly turning warm. I can feel my cheeks blushing, he seriously has such a beautiful face.

We somehow gravitated towards each other like magnets, I reach out swiping his hair away from his eyes, It's completely silent but it's very comfortable.

I could kiss him right now. But where would that get me? I can't trust anyone anymore especially after what my so called father done. I guess I'm amongst the majority who have daddy issues. Lol.

"You know your beautiful" he whispered even though it's just us, it was only meant for my ears.

"Thank you, your not so bad yourself" I whispered back.

Our noses were literally millimetres apart, I could feel the tension thickening between us. I had to put a stop to this before it progresses and that's exactly what I did.

I licked his face and then dunked him. Swimming away as fast as possible but he grabbed my foot pulling me under so we was now face to face under the water and he done the one thing I tried so desperately to avoid.

He kissed me....

And I kissed him back.

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