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I don't even know where to begin. Everyone is acting all devastated that I'm leaving and it's really starting to piss me off. Like my life isn't already hard enough iv now got emotionless money grabbing freaks trying to act sad that I'm leaving!

"Marie make sure you say goodbye to your mother, she's done a lot for you" my stupid father said.

"What?" I blinked all confused. My mother? Who even is my mum.

"I said ma.."

"I know what you said" duh " I'm not an idiot" I interrupted him before he had a chance to finish his stupid sentence.

"Very well Marie" he blow out a puff Of warm air obviously getting agitated. Prick.

Honestly I don't even want to say goodbye to either of them, I'm basically being sold. It's a lot to comprehend.

Leah has done a disappearing act ever since the cat got sick. I guess she wasn't really that much of a good friend after all.

I managed to bargain myself a fake I.D, if I'm going I might as well go large and perhaps of my tits? Iv never really had a reason to rebel it's always been pretty straight forward so iv not really had a reason to... until now.

I didn't even bother saying bye. They all stood in the front garden waving like I'm going of to college or going on a vacation. Not 300 miles away.
I have only 20 minutes until I arrive at my new mums house. I'm so nervous but what am expecting? Just to roll up to this house and be greeted with open arm and tears of joy.

The driver hasn't even murmured a word to me, which I'm grateful for because a awkward conversation is the least of my worries but still worrying. The town actually looks quite promising so I guess there's a positive within this whole mess.

The only thing I know about my new mum is her name. Her name is Alice Walters but that's her married name, her husband is called David but likes being called Dave for short. Ha .

We turn left on to a long Neighbourhood type of road? You can tell it's in the richer type of places, each house is huge and the cars are all the topper ranges.

We get about half way down and the diver starts to slow down. So she must live in one of these houses neat.

It's one of those typical houses with the large mettle gates out front and the little letter boxes. Cute but cliche.

Once he's stopped the engine I hoped out waves him goodbye with a polite thank you and made my way to the front gates. I don't actually have a contact number for Alice nor Dave. I don't know the pin to gates and no fucker is answering the bell to let me in! Agh if life wasn't already shit it is now!

Iv been sat waiting outside for 2 hours now and no sign of life in the house. People must think I'm homeless or something because I keep getting pity looks from everyone. But right now I'd take the pity with open arms, iv been shipped of to live with my mum who abandoned me when I was born who iv not even once spoken to! I bound to feel somewhat a bit sorry for myself.

2 hours and 23 minutes iv been waiting hunched up against the gates of this huge house. The time is going so slowly and I'm getting really tired my phone battery is dead so it's not like I can ring for help not that I'd Swallow my pride to ring my dickhead dad.

Before I had a chance to notice a football connects with my face and smashed my head against the wall. Could my day possible get any worse?

"I'm so sworry" he cried " I swear I didn't mean to hit you". He couldn't be any older than 6years old, Bless him at least he's got a brilliant kick.

I wipe the mud of my face and stand up giving the kid a small smile. It bloody hurt and was so unexpected.

"It's alright kid accidents happen" I laugh if of.

"Hey have you got a phone on you I could use just to look up the nearest hotels? My phone died" probably not considering he's quite young but I can't help but try I'm cold and getting a stiff neck and now officially have a pounding headache due to being wiped out by a football.

He grew a huge smile, he must be young because he's got missing teeth.What I would give to be the young again. "Sure. Follow me!" .

He began sprinting of so I felt obliged to run after him. Grabbing my duffle bag I began to catch up to him.

"Kid" pause "where you going?"I shout running out of breath.

He comes to a holt and points to the equally large house to the right. Wow pretty impressive I think I like this place already.

I stop next to him, arms resting on my knees as I try to catch my breath. I hadn't realised we ran up hill but more how unfit I am. Take mental note 'get fit'.

"Mum" he screamed "can this girl uses the phone please I think she's lost" he shouts.

"Thanks kid" I smile at him.

"Stop calling me kid my names luke" he huffs.

Geez sorry kid.

Whilst mentally preparing myself what to say to Luke's mum without sounding like a freak I'm literally wiped out but a huge dog the size of a bear! Frank would have zoomed if he saw this beast.

"Ouch" my luck seriously needs to improve.
"Hey buster" Luke says all excitedly " you've knocked over my friend here you naughty boy" he giggles.

I start giggling with him. What's the point in being mad at the world when it's already mad at you?

Luke's mum appears in the door way and ushers us in.

"Sorry dear Buster is quite excited to meet new people" she quickly says obviously feeling a bit guilty.

"Oh no don't be sorry it wasn't your fault" I say.

"My names Karen" she offers her hand out to shake But pulls me into a hug.

"I'm Marie" I squeak out.

"Iv just moved here and was expecting to meet my Er mum but she isn't home" I stutter. Why am I so nervous.

"No worries sweet, who's your mum?" She smiles.

"Ah Alice Walters?" I reply not sounding so convincing, I did get her name right... right?

"Ohh I know Alice she's with Dave who lives next door" she pauses "She never mentioned having a daughter" She looks as confused and I feel.

She wonders around her kitchen looking through the cupboards before pulling out a phone book.

"I should have your mums number somewhere here" Karen mumbles to herself whilst looking through the pages.

"Here! Alice Walters" she pushes the book towards me and hands me a mobile.

Both Karen and Luke are both staring at me probably thinking why is she staring at the phone not typing any numbers in.

So I start typing And with each number I type the lump in my throat gets bigger and bigger until I press the call button.

Ring..... ring ..... ring  "Hello"

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