Part One

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Raoul de Chagney ^

Old Friend

"Chloe! Wake up! We need to go now" my brother, Raoul, shouts bursting into my room. "Get dressed and make sure it's presentable"

I groaned and did my daily routine. As usual my maid of four years Anna is waiting with my dress. I smiled and put on the slim blue dress, she even managed to get my favourite cloak clean so I could wear it today. 👇


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"I'm done brother" I said walking to the door

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"I'm done brother" I said walking to the door. He just got up and walked me to the carriage. He helped me up and got in himself. Then we set of for the Opera Populaire.

I should introduce myself, my name is Chloe De Chagney. I have brown hair. My eyes were a chocolate brown with flecks if green in them. I have a very lightly tanned skin but not so much that I'm considered black.

 I have a very lightly tanned skin but not so much that I'm considered black

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Chloe^ (ignore the eyes)

Chloe^ (ignore the eyes)

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Her eyes ^

Unlike my brother who has blonde hair and is as pale as they come.
My brother is the vicomte and I hate it. Most people look at me like I'm mad, I mean who wouldn't want to be rich. Well I do, Raoul makes me follow him everywhere. It gets tiring and I have no freedom. He claims to care about me but once I got left behind at a meeting so I had to walk home. I came down with a cold and had to stay at home for five days. It could be something to do with the fact that I'm adopted.

"Chloe get your head out of the clouds, we're here" Raoul snapped, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the carriage and into the Opera Populaire.


"Raoul de Chagney our new patron" announced Firmin. I just scoffed as Raoul took the lime light. Looking to the side I recognised Christine. Damn. I haven't seen her in years. Raoul walked off leaving me. Again!

I tapped Christine on the shoulder as she was talking to Meg. "Chloe! I can't believe your here" she cried hugging me. I embraced her back and said "Well I finally got out of those terrible meeting." I smiled till I saw the backdrop coming down. "Watch out!" Pulling both Meg and Christine out of harms way.

Chaos followed, many of the ballet rats shouting about The Phantom of the Opera. Feeling something prick my hair. I picked a heavy feeling note of the floor.

"Mademoiselle these things do happen" reassured Andre.
"These things do 'appen, thees things do appen. For the past three years 'these things do happen'. You two your as bad as 'im. Until you stop these things from 'appening, this thing does not 'appen." Screeched Carlotta.
I rolled my eyes as she stormed out and Lefevre made a quick exit as well.

"La Carlotta will be returning right?"
I scoffed and everyone looked at me. "You think so monsieur? I have a note I'm guessing from this opera ghost" I looked over at Madame Giry and she nodded at me to open the letter. "He welcomes you to his opera house..."
"His opera house"
"And commands you to continue to leave Box 5 empty for his use. Also, his salary is due"
"His salary!" Exclaimed Firmin.
"Monsieur Lefevre used to give him 20,000 francs a month, perhaps you can afford more with the vicomte as you patron" Madame Giry interjects. "I had rather hoped to make that announcement public at the gala tonight but it seems we will have to cancel as it seems we have lost our star" Firmin said ripping up the letter in frustration.

"Chloe can sing it sir" both Meg and Christine said. I think I chocked on my own spit. "Oh no no no no. I-I can't sing at the gala." I stuttered.
"I've heard you sing Chloe it's almost hypnotising" Christine explained.
"No. I-I I honestly think you should do it instead." I turned to the managers. "Excuse me gentlemen, I'm going to lay down I feel dizzy" I walked off stage and to my dorm.

Collapsing on the bed, I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me.

Collapsing on the bed, I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me

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Christine Daee ^

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