Part Two

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Lucy ^
Familiar Faces

Waking up I was quite disoriented. I got up and went to the stage where Christine was singing to a full house. And she got a standing ovation. I was proud of her.

I was walking back when I collided with a small girl. "Oh. I'm so sorry" I apologised "Lucy?"
I knew Lucy when she was younger, I used to babysit her when her parents went out that was before Raoul restricted me from going 5 miles outside the house without him. Those were happy days. "Chloe, your here I thought I'd never see you again" she shouted.
I crouched down and gave her a hug "Lucy where are your parents?" I asked. "The-they d-d-died a m-month after you l-l-left" she cried. I lifted her up as she cried into my shoulder and took her to her dorm.

Setting her down, I undid her braids and brushed her hair till it had soft waves. She turned around and snuggled into my neck, on my lap. The other four girls came in all getting ready for bed. "I miss mommy"Lucy whispers in my ear. "She's not gone Lucy" I answer back. She looks at me with those big hazel eyes. "Can you sing for us, Chloe?"
"Will your friends want me to?"
I looked at the other girls and they all nodded. Sighing, I thought of a song my mum used to sing to me.
Play song now

"Do you ever lie
Awake at night?
Just between the dark
And the morning light
Searching for the things
You used to know
Looking for the place
Where the lost things go

Do you ever dream
Or reminisce?
Wondering where to find
What you truly miss
Well maybe all those things
That you love so
Are waiting in the place
Where the lost things go

Memories you've shed
Gone for good you feared
They're all around you still
Though they've disappeared
Nothing's really left
Or lost without a trace
Nothing's gone forever
Only out of place

So maybe now the dish
And my best spoon
Are playing hide and seek
Just behind the moon
Waiting there until
It's time to show
Spring is like that now
Far beneath the snow
Hiding in the place
Where the lost things go"

I laid Lucy on her bed and sat on her bed stroking her hair.

"Time to close your eyes
So sleep can come around
For when you dream you'll find
All that's lost is found
Maybe on the moon
Or maybe somewhere new
Maybe all you're missing lives inside of you

So when you need her touch
And loving gaze
Gone but not forgotten
Is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star
That she makes glow
Trust she's always there
Watching as you grow
Find her in the place
Where the lost things go"

I tucked Lucy and all the girl into bed and quietly walked out. Shutting the door I turned to see Joseph Buquet. Oh no. "Hello pretty lady" he says grabbing my arm. I panicked I hate being touched. "Leave me alone!" I cried.
"What will you give me?" He sneers pulling me to his face.
I almost retched turning my face away from his alcohol breath. "This" I spat on his face and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine.

I ran past him and tried to find my way back to my dorm but I had successfully gotten lost. I heard heavy footsteps behind me and I knew he was coming after me. Still running forward, I slammed into a person and I fell down. Before, I passed out I saw a tanned person coming towards me before, darkness.

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