Part Four

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A Plan and a Performance

I opened the dressing room door to see Christine staring at the mirror. "Christine? Christine!"
She jumped and spun around smiling as she saw me. "Chloe you scared me, next time can you knock" she said. "Sorry but I had to see if you were alright"
"I'm fine"
"Christine are you going to sing in Il muto? I would rather have you than that screeching demon out there"
She smiled slightly but sighed. "No, I'm going to be the page boy. I mean look at me"
I stepping forward I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around with me slightly behind her.
"Tell me, what do you see?"
"I see a beautiful, tanned women with unique eyes and a body to die for. Next to a plain Jane" she sighed and turned away from the mirror. I sighed and grabbed her arm pulling her back to me. "Well I see a beautiful young girl with stunning brown locks. She has big brown eyes and a voice to die for. She also has the sweetest personality." I say. I smile as she grinned.
"Now are you going to sing in Il Muto?"
I looked at her incredibly. "Why not?"
She looked at me sadly "She won't like it and might hurt me"
That bitch. I smiled evilly as I knew how to effect her voice. "Why are you smiling like that?"
"I have a plan" I swept out of the room. I was stopped by a hand on my arm. "Chloe you can't do this. I'm fine being the page boy"
She says trying to convince me to change my mind.
I took her hand off my hand and smiled. "I won't harm her, or at least I'll try not to"
I then hurried down the hall to carry out my plan.


It was the night of the performance and I was backstage with an exact replica of Carlotta's voice spray. The only difference is that instead of enhancing her voice; this one makes her voice sound like a toads if she goes too high.

This is actually my potion I found it on my dressing table with a note saying
To help with your plan
If it does the job do I really care where it came from? No


Half through the show 'the phantom' disrupted Carlotta's singing. Seeing an opening I grabbed the real bottle and replaced it with the fake one. This should be fun to watch. A maid came and grabbed the fake bottle and sprayed it in her mouth. All I had to do now was watch and wait.

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