Part Three

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"Chloe?" I heard Lucy call. Fluttering my eyes open. I saw I was back in my room. I don't remember what happened but I had a dull pain in the back of my head.
"Lucy?" She gasped and jumped on me hugging the life out of me. "Good to see you too kiddo. What happened?" I questioned the doctor on the room. "You tripped and fell down a couple of steps. You hit your head but it has no serious injury."

I smiled and thanked the doctor then went to my wardrobe to pick out a dress for today. I turned to Lucy and told her to go get changed. She grinned gave me a hug then ran out of the room. My smile faded when I realised Raoul had not once been to see me. Oh well he was probably busy. Picking out my dress I got into it and paired it with my black cloak as usual.

 Picking out my dress I got into it and paired it with my black cloak as usual

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I went down to the stage and sat down in the seating. Great. Carlotta is now back in the role of Prima Dona. *sigh. Such a shame. I was watching the ballet when the managers came on with a tanned man. "Ladies and gentlemen we are now pleased to inform you that Monsieur Daroga is working with us to improve our performances." Announced Andre.
"Mademoiselle De Chagney can you come up here" they called.
I got up and walked up to the stage where they were.
"Monsieur Daroga, I apologise for my brother not being here." I say as I reached them.
"It's fine Miss, I was just looking round and finding Madame Giry" he says. His voice had a slight Persian accent, now where had I heard that before. "I'll take her to you monsieur"
He nodded and followed as I led him if the stage.

I went up to Madam Giry's office. I knocked on the door and a tired "come in" answered me.
"Madame, Monsieur Daroga is here to see you" I say. She smiles at me then acknowledged Daroga. "Ahh Mr Khan so good to see you" She welcomes.
"How is he Madam?" He says.
"He's fine" she answers rather curtly.
"Chloe, Christine wanted to see you if you wouldn't mind popping in to see her"
"Of course Madam. Monsieur" I curtsied and left closing the door behind.

I had walked a few steps till heavy parchment fell on my head, again. Picking it up I saw it was addressed to Giry. "Why can't it just be sent straight to Madam?"
"Because that would be too much hassle" I muttered the answer to myself.

"-Erik" I walked into. They both looked at me. "I'm so sorry madam but I have a note for you. I think it's the opera ghost"
She smiled sadly and took the note of me "Thank you, now go and see Christine"
"I'm sorry again" I closed the door and walked to the Prima Dona dressing room.

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