Part Seven

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This chapter will be about Chloe and when she first met her cousin Angelica. Chloe is 10.

Angelica Martini

Mummy and daddy says I will meet an important person today or at least that's what mummy says. Mrs Martini is mummy's sister and according to daddy not very nice so I'm going to be on my best behaviour.

I jumped when the door suddenly burst open. A busty woman strode in with her head held high. She passed me without a glance and called mummy. As her and mummy did something with their heads and mouths. The woman then paused as she looked over at me.
"Why my dear, Florence who is this" she said with a sneer.
"Oh this is Chloe. One of Mathew's many pity cases. Mummy said quite nastily, " I'm sure she'll get along with Angelica"
"Sure Florence, now take me to this husband of yours" she then flounces into the living room.
"Don't you talk?" A nasally voice asked from behind. I turned and saw a girl with her hair in pigtails. She would be pretty if it weren't for the look on her face.
"Well do you?" She shrieked
I shook my head looking at the floor in shame.
"Oh that is good; you won't be able to complain to your parents when I order you around" She sneered. I opened my mouth but she was right I couldn't talk and now I was a slave; again.

For the next month I was ordered around by Angelica and her mother. I couldn't say anything as I literally couldn't say anything. After she left I learnt how to speak and promised I wouldn't be pushed around again.

Snapping back to reality I quickly grabbed the apples and sprinted down to the stables hoping she didn't see me. I left the apples for the horse and grabbed a harness and saddle. Throwing the harness and saddle over one of the other horses and jumped on. I attached a harness to the poorly horse and galloped out of the foul place with the box in front of me. Off towards my new home and life; never to look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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